originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need Two for vog confluxes on hard. Gt BigRizz70. 30+.
Lvl 34 Titan LFG Level 32 POE Invite Riogan7000
Need 3 for fresh vog normal lvl 28+
Need 1 for hard Crota cp. 33+ only. Gt same as above.
Need Two for vog confluxes on hard. Gt BigRizz70. 30+.
Could use one more to help me and wifey to at least get 5 wins off trials or better. Msg for invite.
Any beast lvl34s wanna take my lvl32 Titan through Poe lvl 32 please ;) would love to get that helm gt NRYDING
Looking for 3 for vog fresh run on normle gt same as above
Need 5 for normal fresh VOG msg me for invite GT same as above
Need 5 for normal fresh VOG msg me for invite GT same as above
Looking for a fireteam to play Hard Crota on 360. Must be level 32 or higher with a mic. Swordbearers needed! GT: MomAteMyOreos
Xbox 360 hard vault of glass fresh run message me for invite gamertag is SILVERHAWK2005
VOG Hard fresh start
Need 2 for nightfall Only 34s Could use a bubble titan or self res warlock :D
Looking to do Crota raid on normal Gt same as above
PoE 34 Gt same as above msg for inv
Need 5, including sword bearer, for crota cp on hard. Msg me with lvl/class, and if you can sword bear. Gt spyderdiablo316
Level 34 warlock with maxed gally looking for 2 other 34's to kill the 34 boss twice for the elder cipher bounty
Looking for a fireteam to play VoG Hard on 360. Must have played Normal Mode already and be level 30 or higher with a mic. GT: MomAteMyOreos
Looking for 3 for fresh crota normal. Gt same.
Nf message gt above for inv
34 warlock looking for any hard crotas end cp Msg the blob63 for the join
Lvl 34 Titan Looking for people to do Nightfall Strike Lvl 32+ ONLY Message me in-game for inv Gt: Coolyowater99
32 Poe msg for inv
Still Hosting VoG exotic chest checkpoint on Xbox 360 My gamer tag on Xbox 360: xBruno666 Hosting this checkpoint for those of you who need exotics and to have the checkpoint of course. I will try to do this every week to give back to the community. Also because I want to see some sweet loot. (: