originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 1 for 34 PoE 33+ preferably 34
Need 4 for fresh normal VoG
Poe 32 at round five need one
Doing trials of Osiris must 34 warlock sun singer only with max weapons and must have mic msg peacekillerzk49 for inv need 1
32 warlock looking for 32 PoE. Max gjallarhorn. Mics broken but I know what I'm doing. Invite me gt: Earl Dabbz 420
LF help doing nightfall Gt same as above
Vog hard fresh 30+ need mic Gt same Msg on Xbox for invite
Doing normal Crota Need 5 32+ Need experience Have Crota cp Message for inv
Vog hard fresh 33+ need mic Gt same Msg on Xbox for invite
Poe 34 need two 34+ msg for inv gt above
Poe 34 need two 34+ msg for inv gt above
POE 34 FRESH MESSAGE ME ON 360 Only for the elder bounty
L33 titan looking to do any raid. Gt: veggiebuddy
I'm in add me supreme daisy 6
Lfg to run 32 and 34 as the same team. Need 33+. No mic req. MSG UnknownVelm on the x360 for an invite.
LFG to run CROTA HARD FRESH. No mic req. I can sb IF I have to. I will wave when I want rockets shot. 33+. MSG UnknownVelm on the x360 for an inv.
XBOX 360-Looking to start a Vault of Glass raid from Gatekeeper (not Templar) checkpoint on HARD, I need 4 people for a team. If you're in leave me a reply or send me a message on XBL. (Gt same as name)
Need 2 people looking to do lvl 32 PoE must be lvl 33+ msg same GT as above for inv
Crota normal. Fresh start. GT same as above.
VOG HARD ATHEON CHECKPOINT message FurryMushroom for invite must be 33+ and have mic
At skolas cp Need two 34 Must have experience
Need 2 34s to go flawless in trails of Osiris must have Lastword or thorn be a good sniper and have gone flawless before have a mic message for invite
Need 5 for Vog hard oracle cp gt is same
Need good swordbearer gamertag:Ness Colmillo
Need 2 for nf 32+