originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 4 people for fesh VoG on hard mode. Mics preferred. Message me for invite GT Same as above.
Hosting a hard Crota fresh raid if your interested message VeX Arsonist for inv
Hosting a hard Crota fresh raid if your interested message VeX Arsonist for inv
Need one for nightfall gt same as name
Hosting VoG on hard must be lv 32+ and have a ghorn. Message me for an inv . Gt is spANky spANky7
Looking for players for fresh normal Crota Send me a message for inv Same gamer tag as above
Lvl 34 Titan looking to do some raids message me if u have a spot GT name above
Looking to farm 32 Poe boss a few times to complete this elder cipher. Please help if you can. I'm warlock level 34 with gally.
Looking for five people for fresh normal VOG. Message for invite.
[quote]Have hard Crota checkpoint need 5 message gt above for invite. Need sword bearer as well.
Lvl 34 warlock looking for serious and experienced group for lvl 35 PoE. Gamer tag Willyboy99
Crota hard need 4 gt same fresh
Need 4 for CROTA hard fresh...GALLYS or hoc...same gt
CROTAS END OR VOG HARD WITH CP INV GT is same as above. Msg me on 360
Need 3 for hard crota msg Blakmist302 for invite Xbox 360
Looking for anyone that HAS a NORMAL CROTA Checkpoint. If you do, message the GT above.
Doing rush fresh crota hard run need 5 more must be lvl 34 same gt message me.
I need a full team for hard Crota bridge checkpoint message Auburn234 to join
Fresh crota normal. Msg RefuZe Unicorn for invite. Must be 32+ and know what you are doing
Looking for anyone that HAS a NORMAL CROTA Checkpoint. If you do, message the GT above.
Do you have a 27-30 who needs help with crota normal well I'm taking people through for free just message me now on Xbox I'll take a full fireteam at a time.
Poe32. Lvl34 hunter. Gt same as name.
Xbox 360- I'm looking to run a fresh 32 POE. Message me via XBL if you're in!
Need a normal Crota checkpoint!! GT is same as above, message me if you have it!
Doing Vog on Normal fresh run need 4 more guardians. Msg for inv. Gt is the same.
Hard or normal crota swordbearer, lvl 34 hunter with gally and mic. Just Looking to run sword and help out. Msg me with an inv. Gt same as above.