originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
need 2 for 34 PoE msg on Xbox for invite gt same as above
Need 4 for VOG normal gatekeeper cp GT same thanks
Need 2, for 32 PoE, Message me at Tobii OG.
Lvl 34 warlock with max out Gjallahorn looking for a group to run VOG on hard fresh, must have a mic and must be lvl 33 and above. So if you interested add me. GT: THEGUYILOSTTO
VOG HARD FRESH message Morsecode123 for invite
VOG HARD FRESH message Morsecode123 for invite
Need three for fresh normal VOG. Message for invite.
Need four for fresh normal VOG. Message for invite.
Looking for a Templar cp, lvl 34 max defender Titan with 365 ghorn. Gt FeralxInstincts
Need 1 for fresh vog hard message XSOLO VISIONZX for a invite
Need two for 32 poe msg JustDanny7 for invite
Stop Wasting Time Posting & Searching The Forums. Lord of the Raids Welcomes You To The Xbox Destiny Raid Finder. Become a part of the alliance today! Xbox One Raid Finder [X1RF] "The Official Xbox One Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/619636 Xbox 360 Raid Finder [X3RF] "The Official Xbox 360 Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/544299 - Exclusive Xbox Matchmaking. - Prison of Elders - Crota's End & Vault Of Glass Raids. - Daily Story / Weekly Heroic Strike / Nightfall - 20,000+ Members/Followers - Clan Membership Available. Host or Join A Raid Today.
Need two for 32 poe msg JustDanny7 for invite
Lvl 34 titan looking to do hard crota Prefer bridge cp but will do fresh Gt- same
HARD CROTA CP. NEED 4. 33+. GOOD SB. MSG UknownVelm on the 360 for an INV. NO MIC REQ.
Need 3 more for crota on normal at the crota checkpoint message me at the GT above
Need 3 more for crota on normal at the crota checkpoint message me at the GT above
Lvl 34 titan maxed gally looking for 34/35 POE OR templar cp on hard. Msg tool112
I need people for vog normal then hard Gt in above
Lvl 34 Titan looking for fresh crota hard. Gt spyderdiablo316
Looking to do vog hard fresh message for inv
I'm a level 30 warlock, looking to do VOG at any checkpoint. Please invite me: Asian Camo
Vog hard mode invite me same gt above
Vog hard fresh msg for inv
Vault of glass hard mode gatekeeper checkpoint must be 34 must have a mic and experienced msg for inv gt same as above
Looking for 2 level 34s for lvl 34 poe