originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need a group for NORMAL CROTA CHECKPOINT. GT is same as above, message me for an invite.
34 Hunter willing to help with either raid on either difficulty. Message gt above.
Skolas cp!!! Need a 34 Titan with max gally!
Need four for fresh vog normal. Already have two 34s so it should go pretty quick. 26+. Gt same as above.
Need 1 for poe 34 msg me
Looking for anyone who has a normal crota checkpoint! GT is same as above, message me of you have it.
Need 4 players for for gatekeeper cp on hard, msg for inv Gt-Reekyyy
Gatekeeper hard need 4 message for invite
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] POE 35 Must have max ghorn and black hammer My gt is jordanfeghali
lvl 32 warlock- looking to do any raid, any difficulty, PoE (lvl 32) and also nightfall- gt: NormalRhombus3
Who wants to do nightfall
Need some help doing night fall
Edited by brcolipuncher96: 6/18/2015 3:19:49 PMneed 2 for 32poe 32+ message for invite
Looking for anyone to do skolas, invite TTBPyro80
34 hunter look for a team to do skolas must have maxed gally and must be a titan message for invite gt same as above
34 hunter look for a team to do skolas must have maxed gally and must be a titan message for invite gt same as above
34 titian looking for vog hard. Get same
Need 3 more for VoG fresh NORMAL! Message [b]X Effect3[/b] for invite
Normal Vog Need 5 gt same as above
I have a HM CROTA CP. NEED 33+. No mic req unless your sb. MSG UnknownVelm on the 360 for an INV.
Need 4 level 34's for hard vog fresh. Message xx lil daygo xx for inv.
Need 1 for 32 PoE msg Kys Hydro
Need 4 for Atheon on hard mode 32+ message for inv
Need 2 for fresh hard vog. Gt is zj sk8r. Msg me for inv. Must be 33+. Must have expierience.
Need 2 for fresh hard vog. Gt is zj sk8r. Msg me for inv. Must be 33+. Must have expierience.
LFG to start a HM CROTA FRESH. Need 33+. No mic req. MSG UnknownVelm on the 360 for an INV.