originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
need 2 for VoG hard fresh
34 Poe message. Gt above for invite
Looking for a hard Templar Cp msg if you Have one Gt: Chaotic Xii
Lvl 34 warlock max out Gjallahorn, mic with a athon cp hard, so if you interested add me. GT: THEGUYILOSTTO. Must have a mic, experience and lvl 34.
Need 4 for VOG hard GT MediocreTree842. Templar checkpoint
Looking for vog hard or normal as well as normal Crota. In a 34 Titan with a mic gamer tag same as above
Need 2 34s for trails of Osiris need to have thorn or last word know what your doing and be good have a mic message for invite
If anybody is good and interested in doing prison of elders 34 and 35 or is good at crucible and wants to do some flawless runs on trials send me a message !
Need 2 for trials flawless run Must be lvl 34 Must have gone flawless before Must have emblem as proof Gt=name MSG for invite
Hard Vog need a Titan!!!!!!!
Need 2 more for Hard Vog.... Msg Ethonian197 for inv!
Need 4 for Hard Vog..... Experience needed..... Msg Ethonian197 for inv!
On round 4 of PoE 32, need another player if anybody is interested? Msg for invite gt same as name
Need 4 for vog.... 30+ with experience! Hard Vog!
ToE one more lv 34, preferred titian or hunter
Crota normal (Crota cp) Need 3 message ^ for invite.
Looking to do any activity. Nightfall, poe, vog, ToO. Whatever. Just msg gt ^ with what you want to do
Need 2 for Prison of Elders 34 We will wipe after we kill the boss, and kill him once more to finish my elder cipher bounty. Don't message if you won't wipe after Gt: An Elegant Kupo
Need 4 for Hard Crota cp
Looking for Croat hard check point I have a mic and I'm a lvl 34 hunter. Gt same as above.
Poe 32 need 2 more
32 poe need 1 on boss be good with good weaps
Need 1 for nf Lvl 33+ Message as above for invite
Need 3 for normal vog fresh start message for invite gt same as above
Vog hard 31+ need 5 gt: NormalRhombus3
Looking to join a group for flawless trials. I'm a level 34 hunter running blade dancer. Invite me on the xbox 360 and please have a mic.