originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Looking to join a group for flawless trials. I'm a level 34 hunter running blade dancer. Invite me on the xbox 360 and please have a mic.
Vog hard 30+ Fresh Need 2 Get:same
Need 2 for Skolas have a gally 34 only and still need 1 Titan gt is the same
Can anyone help me do a Fresh Normal Crota Run with my lvl 30 hunter Gtag same 30+
Need people for gatekeeper hard message me on Xbox for invite
Need 4 lvl 30+ for Hard VoG Gatekeeper CP message me for a invite GT:Zyr0h
Need 2 for nightfall 32+ message me on xbl for inv gt is name :)
Doing Crota on hard fresh. 33+ message xx lil Daygo xx for inv.
Setting up vog hard, need 4 Doesn't really matter what level you are as long as you know what to do, it's just for fun Msg gt DWREKR
Ign MyInfiniteLight I'm running Vog hard. I want a fully flawless run so if you even somewhat doubt yourself, then dont ask to join. Otherwise id love to make a team with you, and i don't care what class you are, just make sure your lvl 32 or higher, also have a mic and don't be squeaky. P.s. i also don't want anyone switching characters around at gorgon chest. That's just annoying.
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote]need 1 for 32 Poe 33+ msg me for inv get same as above
Need people for the nightfall message me on xbox for invite
Lvl 32 warlock sunsinger with fireborn never done a raid before happy to help out in any raids
Oricle cp hard. MSG DOME RipTide for an invite. Lvl 32+.
Need 1 for 34 poe Gt: Revolt Flex
Lv 32 invite to anything pve if active, please and thanks!
Doing VoG at atheon, need 3 30+ inv me for inv gt is name
Vog hard need 2 people Must be 30+ Msg manlyman1191 for inv
Hosting Fresh Normal Mode Crota Message 4 invite MUST BE AT LEAST LVL 30!!!
Need 3 for VoG hard atheon cp Get Noble 4323
Need 5 for Crota Hard Msg for inv
Looking for 3 People to do Vog hard confluxes
Vog hard need 1 msg f1avor flav. 31+
Need 2 34s to farm bosses for the elder cipher part of the bounty message for invite me please have good weapons
lvl 34 warlock, have gone flawless before. Need two 34s to go flawless. Message me for inv. GT Same as username
One for nightfall. Boazvp3 for inv