originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 33+ for nightfall and weekly must have a mic and tracking rockets gt same
34 hunter with 365 ghorn and black hammer. Looking for skolas cp on 35 Poe gt same.
Need 4 vog hard oracle checkpoint need good sniper gamertag same as above
33 hunter, just want to do raids, PoE, Queens bouties. Doesnt really matter. GT: ZeRo x Vapor
Looking for a POE 34 final round. Level 34 defender titan with 365 maxed solar primary, secondary, and heavy guns. Gt same as above, inv please!
Need 3 for vog hard fresh no children gt same as above
Need 4 for vog hard fresh no children gt same as above
Very g hard oracles cp need 4
Doing hard VoG fresh, msg same gt as above for inv.
Need 3 for vog hard gatekeeper 32+. Gt above.
Need 4 for fresh hard vault of glass Gamer tag: raccoonbro01
need 4 32+ for hard fresh crotas end must have mic and need a swordbearer. ty.
Need 3 for Crota cp 33+ msg for inv.
Edited by Lone1Wulf2: 6/12/2015 2:27:23 AMNeed 2 34 for 35 PoE at skolas gt same msg for inv
Need 3 for death singer hard have tracking rockets gt same as above
32 Poe message gt above for inv
Hard VOG need 3 GT same as name
Looking for a group to run crota on hard fresh, I have a mic, Gjallahorn max out and i am a lvl 34 warlock sun singer. So if you interested add me. Gt: THEGUYILOSTTO.
Looking for a fresh crota raid on hard to join Gt is StaTic Frijol
Need 4 for NM CE, Crota Checkpoint sword bearer would be nice, message pdxgauss for invite
Need team for hard crota cp message for invite need a expirenced swordbeaer please have good rockets 33+ message for invite
Need 2 32+ for nightfall and heroic strike must have a mic and tracking rockets. Gt same
Vog normal fresh start gt same as above
Need people for normal and hard VOG message XxJager13xX or Aloosepoop
Looking for vog hard team 32+ must know what they are doing!!!!!! Fresh msg me gt above
Need 1 for 34 Poe. 33+ Message Metcape for invite.