originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 4 for fresh VOG NORMAL Have a mic and bring skill. J3SUSROD3O
Need 4 for VOG Normal Fresh start Have a mic. Spoiler alert...got a level 25 with us J3SUSROD30
Need 3 for normal fresh crotas end msg commanderjac for inv
Need one level 34 player for poe level 34 GT : SuspectWinter67
Need people to do atheon hard message me on xbox for invite
32 looking to do Crota hard
Need people for VOG hard must be level 31 and up must have some good weapons message me at RealtiveAxe9527 have a check piont destroy the oracles
VoG, hard, oracles cp. need 1. GT: Charbii
Need people for VOG hard must be level 31 and up must have some good weapons message me at RealtiveAxe9527 have a check piont destroy the oracles
Need a team willing to do crota 2 or 3 times, I need some stuff for my hunter and some weapons too, need 4 more. Were doing normal once and hard twice, message me my gt is: Grongigas
Looking for one for nightfall gt as above
Doing vog on normal need one more be at least level 30. At Templar checkpoint. Message stamandohio for invite.
Need 3 for hard Atheon Gt xBeastman35
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote]
I'm in just give me a time I'm level 31 Titan my tag is yoyogurt303
Need 1 for lvl 32 POE then gonna run it on 34. No sqeekers,
need help with 34 poe
looking for 2 people for the prison of elders level 32 must be level 32 and up
Doing 35 prison of elders Must be 34 with mic Must have good void sniper Message for invite
Crota anyone?
Need 1 for lvl 32 POE then gonna run it on 34. No sqeekers,
Need 2 crota cp hard
Need 2 for Hard Gatekeeper CP. Message S N O W LM A N.
Are there any people who have gone 9 - 0 before who are willing to help me get to the light house. I am a 34 warlock and I am pretty good at pvp. The best I have done is 9 - 1 State your class, exotic, and if you have gone flawless or not In you message.
Looking for 2 people to do normal Crota
Are there any people who have gone 9 - 0 before who are willing to help me get to the light house. I am a 34 warlock and I am pretty good at pvp. The best I have done is 9 - 1 State your class, exotic, and if you have gone flawless or not In you message.