originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Are there any people who have gone 9 - 0 before who are willing to help me get to the light house. I am a 34 warlock and I am pretty good at pvp. The best I have done is 9 - 1 State your class, exotic, and if you have gone flawless or not In you message.
Death singer hard Cp message xxGhostSniperHD For invite need 4 32+
32 PoE message gt above for invite
Willing to do vog normal or hard, lvl 32 warlock, msg me for invite gt: NormalRhombus3
Vault of glass hard mode Need 4 guardians GT:XGold3nxChildX Xbox360 I'm a lvl 34 titan Message GT above for inv
33 titan looking for hard vog or crota group
Need 1 more for hard crota last checkpoint! Must have ghallahorn or dragon breath. Message me: Velations
Need 1 more for hard crota last checkpoint! Must have ghallahorn or dragon breath. Message me: Velations
Need 2 34s for trails of Osiris This is what you need -Thorn or last word -Good sniper -gone flawless before -mic -expirenced Message for invite
Lvl 33 titan max g horn message if u hav hard VOG templar or gatekeeper cp
Need 3 for vog hard Message Shad1131 for inv
Fresh Crota in hard 33+ msg for invite
Lvl 34 Titan looking for fresh crota normal. Gt spyderdiablo316
VoG hard fresh start lvl 30+ GT is same as above
I'm down lvl 32 titan w mic gt: DIRKBRONSON666
VOG hard lvl 34 warlock
Need people 32+ vog hard fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Need one for PoE 32 gt is same at end
Lvl 34 Titan looking for fresh crota normal and hard. Gt spyderdiablo316
Need 5 for fresh VoG hard run 32+ msg 4 inv Gt:Glaistiig
Poe 35 must have 365 void sniper with void 365 rocket or lmg. Must be 34 and know what your doing with Mic gt is DEXXAL
Croat hard fresh msg for inv same as above
Fresh hard vog 360 (3 34s so far)
Need 5 for Hard Crota. I am at Crota checkpoint, I am level 34 Hunter with a max Gjallarhorn. Gt same as above
Need 3 for Vog hard conflux cp be 32 or higher, gona do Templar three times