originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Running hard vog fresh msg cherry rum for inv
We need 2 level 33+ to run through normal and hard VoG. Both fresh. Plz have experience and know what you're doing. GT same as above.
VOG Hard. Need team players. 31+ Mic'd Exp... MSG: OccamsPhazer
Looking for 2 players Level 34 POE Have a mic! J3SUSROD3O
Poe 34 must be 34 with max 365 ghorn and have a Mic gt is DEXXAL
Need one for PoE level 32 Must be 32 Must have a mic GT: BRUTALxVENOM
Lvl 35 Poe Lf 1 more pref Titan or warlock lvl 34 Max void weapons MSG bobubaggins X360
Need one for level 35PoE must be 34 with mic
RAID: VOG Difficult : hard mode Checkpoint: fresh My character : lvl 34 warlock sun singer with maxed out hunger of corta Gt: damarava System: Xbox 360 I need players for a raid pls . Also you have to be or have 32 + with Gally horns. You would need a mic as well.
Need 2 POE level 32, message me on xbl if your in!
Looking for 2 experienced players POE 32 32+ have a mic J3SUSROD3O
Need 4 for vog hard fresh. Level 32+ message xx lil daygo xx or simply Gata for inv.
LF group to do 32 arena Gt same as above
Need 4 for hard fresh vog msg a Tiny t rexxx for invite
Fresh VoG hard. 30+ ft same msg for inv. Need 3
At skolas msg for inv.
Fresh Crota's end normal message @ROLLnSBD
At skolas msg for inv.
Need a team for Hard Crotas End fresh. Message Deadly Killer W
gamer tag: rayo789. Invite me
Looking for a full team of ether 33 or 34's for Iron banner experienced players only! I'm in it to win it. GT is same as above.
Doing VoG on hard from fresh, looking for 3 30+, preferably need to know how to run shield, msg for invite GT as above
Poe 34 must be 34 with max 365 ghorn and have a Mic gt is DEXXAL
Inv me 32/34 Poe, maxed 34 hunter. Gt same
Crota hard 33+, message badnoobkiller24 for a invite
Need 2 32+ for nightfall message me for inv