originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need two for nightfall 33+ Gt same above
Level 32 prison of elders. Must be level 33 plus with good weapons. Message gamer tag above for invite.
Poe 34 must be 34 and have a Mic gt is DEXXAL
Poe 34 must be 34 and have a Mic gt is DEXXAL
Need 1 more for Poe 32 must have a mic gt same
Poe 34 must be 34 and have a Mic gt is DEXXAL
Need one for lv 34 prison of elders message zXz Mitch zXz for an invite
Lvl 34 Titan looking for 2 more lvl 34s for lvl 35 Poe. Must have good arc weaponry and experience. Gt Killamox
Doing hard vog fresh on Xbox 360 message gt: AxG Dirt
Need 1 Titan lvl 34 with maxed Gjallahorn for level 34 Prison of Elders fresh. Msg for invite. Gt. ViralIROnmaN.
Need 2 people for Hard Crota cp. Msg WUZ UP 7
Room for 4 for fresh crota normal raid. Gamertag is same as above.
Running hard fresh VoG, getting it done quickly. Must be 32+. Gamertag: iBarrett50Ca1
Looking for group to do Crota's End, gamertag is VoidWrath, send an invite if you want to.
Doing PoE lv 32 need to lv 33 or higher pls msg for inv
Need 1 for 32 POE HAVE MIC 33+ J3SUSROD3O
Hard crota fresh. I'm 34, would be nice to have a few others. Gt iSmackBabySeals msg me for inv
Need 2 for PoE 32 must have experience, a mic 33+ GT same as above msg for inv
3 looking for hard crota save 3 lvl 34s 2 w gally
On round 6 of level 25 prison of elders. Need 2 34s with lots of arc. This is incredibly hard. I want to beat it. Gamertag is same as above.
Doing hard crota at bridge. To join send me a text. Gt is killazone8795. Xbox360
my gamer tag is rayo789. I want to play VoG
34 Titan and 33 Hunter hosting normal Fresh VoG. I don't have a mic, but I'm a day one player with lots of experience, just trying to get my dad some guns and help him out. He has a mic. Gt same as username.
[b][u]Prison of Elders[/u][/b] [b][u]Level 35 - [i]Skolas's Revenge[/i][/u][/b] Looking for experienced player and Have done the level 35 PoE [u]Need level 34 Defender/Sunsinger/Bladedancer[/u](if possible) Having a 365 [b][u]Arch weapon[/u][/b] would be a plus; this is for the last round (Patience and Time, LDR 5001, Efrideet's Spear, Fatebringer, Fang of Ir Yut, Rocket launcher, and MG-Thunderlord/OP MG) I'm running with a 34 Bladedancer (Hunter) [b][u]PLEASE message me on XBOX 360[/u][/b] [u]And tell me what you are run with.[/u] Do not reply on the post. [i]Gamertag is CubeMaster92[/i] And if you have not done it don't join, please.
Looking to do VOG Hard fresh. Message - Deadly Killer W
Need 1 TITAN 34 FOR POE 34 last CP !! Gt as above !!!