originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
PoE lvl 35.... FINAL BOSS.... be experienced lvl 34.... msg me with same gt for inv.... xbox 360
Need 3 normal crota fresh msg for invite
Need 5 for vog hard Oracle cp Gt Klotzboebler
Looking for Hard Oracle CP VoG. Level 34 Warlock with Gjallerhorn. Gt same as above.
Need 3 people for atheon hard cp Xbox 360
Need a hunter lvl 34 for a 35 prison of elders gt is same
32 PoE, need one defender Titan, MSG me on xbox for inv. gt same as here.
Starting PoE 32 msg for invite 32+
Hosting fresh VOG hard 30+ must be experienced Xbox 360
Need to do Nightfall. Im a level 34. Message Deadly Killer W for an invite.
Looking for 2 level 34's who know what there doing to do level 34 PoE.please have good weapons.message gt above
ll Royal Marine <-GT message if needed an extra titan
Need 4 players Lvl 30+ VOG hard Fresh run Message for invite Gt above
POE level 32 message me if you want to join GT: Attack Riley
LF 3 more people for crota's end hard,fresh. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter. (I expect y'all not to suck)
Need 4 players VOG hard Fresh run Please have a mic Message for invite Gt: XGN FATAL FURY
Edited by Fz Barkion: 5/26/2015 11:43:52 PMcan anyone help with 34 poe? at boss, really really need the help. need one but may need two if the person im with doesnt come back by the time i get another person. please have experience. gt same as name message for inv
VOG normal THEN hard. Both fresh. 30+ same as above. Have a mic
Need 4 for fresh hard VoG gt MUFFINA155
Need 3 lvl 33+ for Crota fresh normal then Crota fresh hard must have max gally or max hoc message for an invite my gt is as above
Need 2 for fresh hard VoG 32+ gt same as above
Crotas End on hard I have Crota CP Need 5 players (+Swordbearer) Lvl 32+ Please have a mic Please have tracking rockets For invite: XGN FATAL Fury
Need 1 34 for 34 poe
Edited by IcairoI: 5/26/2015 8:53:27 PMLooking for nightfall or PoE 34 gT vG DireWolf
Looking for 2 34+ for PoE level 34 gallahorn needed at the boss
Looking for one more 33+ to do PoE level 32 Message get above