originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Edited by Pierre: 5/25/2015 10:26:36 PMPoe lvl 35 looking for a titan with weapons of light and maxed out gally msg i4ev3rfearless for inv
Need 5 for hard vog at atheon. Must be experienced. Must be 32+ (No exceptions) Must have max hunger, ice breaker, or ghorn. Msg CuDi of for INV.
Looking for someone who is on skolas in PoE 35 If so inv xXxTonyBoyxXx Im a lvl 34 with max gally
Skola cp for poe 35. Need 1 34 titan with maxed gjallarhorn. Gt above
Fresh hard vog 31+ message for invite gt same as above
Skolas cp need two must have gally lvl 34 gt same
PoE level 35 must be a Titan must be 34 and must have gally!!!!!
Need a person for 34 POE. Msg WUZ UP 7
NIGHTFALL need 2 message on forum for invite.
Running trials need team msg for inv
Need 3 normal vog Templar cp gt same
Looking for a person who HAS KILLED SKOLAS BEFORE to join us. Been at it for a while and need some assistance. Gt is same as above.
Need a 34 Titan for 35 PoE on Skolas cp. Message Metcape for invite
Need 1 Titan For 34 PoE Msg For Inv
Lf 4 more for Crota co normal. Must have good rocket and be 31+. Message above name for inv.
Poe lvl 32 msg for invite gt is the same
Vault of glass hard mode from the beginning, message Striumph for invitation :)
Level 34 Titan looking to join or host hard vog, 32+ or inv me.
VoG hard fresh msg zCorruptz for invite
Need 5 for normal crota cp. 31+ Gt above.
32 Poe Gamertag is same 32+plz
Need lvl 34 Titan for lvl 35 poe on round 4
vog hard mode fresh message for inv
Need one for last wave in 32 PoE need to be 32 or more.
Need 5 for normal crota cp. 31+ Gt above.
Crota's end hard checkpoint at Crota message name above 31+