originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota's end hard checkpoint at Crota message name above 31+
Need a swordbearer for crota cp hard Xbox 360 GT same as above
Need 1 titan with maxed defender and gjallerhorn MUST HAVE COMPLETED BEFORE Only lvl 34
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360?? 28+ (only no mic needed) Gt: Knicksboy58
Need 2 for PoE level 34 need a Titan msg class and level gt same as above
Need 2 34s for trails of Osiris need to be good at pvp and need mic message for invite on xbox360
Need 4 for Crota normal cp we have swordbearer msg EagleEye278 for invite
Need people 30+ for crota normal crota cp msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Need one 34 for Skolas' Revenge!!! Gt is same as above.
Poe 35 must be 34 good rockets and a Mic gt is DEXXAL
Need someone that is a master at the trials or Osiris and must have gotten flawless before Message superdude056 for inv
Need people 30+ for vog hard oracle cp msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Need people 30+ for vog hard fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Need people 32+ for vog hard fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Need 3 for Gatekeeper CP Hard. Gt is the same as username
Need 1 for nightfall. Message for inv. GT above
Hard atheon need 4 msg gt abkve for inv
Need 2 for 35 prison of elder. Msg for invite.
Need people 30+ for crota normal fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Need people 30+ for crota normal fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Need people 30+ for crota normal fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Need people 30+ for crota normal fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on x360
Level 33 Titan looking to do crota hard GT:same invite me
Vog hard oracles lvl 31+ 4 places left
Looking for Crota on hard Im a Lvl 32 Titan I have gjallahorn I have a mic Gt: XGN FATAL FURY
Crota hard Croat cp need 5 Message in game for inv