originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for PoE 32 msg itrueelementi for inv
Need two 34's for PoE 35. I'm a hunter 34. Must have hunger or gjally! Gt same as above!
Normal crota last part message for invite
[b][u]Prison of Elders[/u][/b] [b][u]Level 34 - [i]Urrox's Grudge[/i][/u][/b] Looking for experienced players [u]Need level 34 Sunsinger/Bladedancer/Defender[/u] And if you have a Gjallarhorn that would be a plus I'm running with a 34 Titan Defender [b][u]Please message me on Xbox 360[/u][/b] [i]Gamertag is CubeMaster92[/i]
Fresh VOG HM gt: aceldamah
Level 34 hard Poe on round 4 right now message Harry69Corndog
Nightfall need two gt above 31+
Hard mode Vault of glass gatekeeper checkpoint, message Striumph for invite :)
[b][u]Prison of Elders[/u][/b] [b][u]Level 35 - [i]Skolas's Revenge[/i][/u][/b] Looking for experienced player and Have done the level 35 PoE [u]Need level 34 Sunsinger/Bladedancer/Defender[/u](if possible) Having a 365 Gjallarhorn would be a plus I'm running with a 34 Titan Defender [b][u]PLEASE message me on XBOX 360[/u][/b] Do not reply on the post. [i]Gamertag is CubeMaster92[/i]
Hosting Crota Hard fresh. Be 32+ and mic is required. Need a swordbearer and at least one Titan. Or if you just need one person invite me. Gt same as above, message for invite
2 for nightfall
Need 2 for PoE level 32, be level 33+ (so it's generally easy) message cjd0503
VoG low level gt: xllMagicZz by the way they are L's in my gamertag
Raids: Corta's End Checkpoint:fresh Difficultly:33 Gt: damarava Character: In need for players with Gallyhorns and require microphones for communicational purposes. I'm a 33 warlock with a maxed out hungry of Corta.
Doing CE raid, easy, im lvl 30 w/ Gjall. Need 5 more, message Falconius Maxim, never done before, have mic.
Need 2 experienced and good crucible players to get flawless on the trials with me. Message me on xbox 360 for an invite, Gt se as above. Please have a mic.
Need 3 for Vog hard fresh 30+ have good rockets gt same as above
Atheon 360 hard cp need 3
Need 2 32+ for a 32 arena Msg the blob63 for inv
Need 2 for 34 PoE. Gamer tag same as name, message for invite
Need 1 for 32 Prison of Elders. Message The Kingdom Key for an invite.
Raids:VOG Checkpoint:gorgon Difficultly:32 Gt: damarava Character: I'm a lvl 33 warlock with a Maxed out hungry of Corta - in need for players with Gallyhorns and require microphones for communicational purposes.
Need 2 level 34's or experienced 33's who are looking to get into the lighthouse. I am a 34 warlock. Get same as above. Must be very very experienced. I am looking to get to the lighthouse. Don't suck. Please. I have been grinding this for hours and my teams have gotten to six wins then lost. I need a good team.
Skolas 35 Poe need a hunter Lvl 34 with Max g-horn (gunslinger and celestial nighthawk preferred) GT:Kinkeh Diamond
Need 2 for VoG normal. Message: Ay Dusty for an inv
Need a team for VOG Hard Msg for invite Gt: Saint Dane 8