originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
I need 4 for Crota Hard must be experienced and have a tracking rocket launcher. Level 31+ only
Doing Croat fresh normal message Tummo for invite
360 LFG 34 Poe Lvl 33 hunter
Starting vog on hard message me on xbox for invite gt : pointlezz
Need 2 for the 34 prison please be 34 must have experience and must have gally looking to do this quick gt same as above
Need to do normal vog at atheon check point. Gt same as name. Thanks.
Need 4 for oracle cp hard msg CrackedxDestiny or thebuttjester for inv
Need 2 for nightfall
Looking for two 33+ titan only to do the PoE. Gt same as above. Message me on xbox for invite
Looking for two 33+ titan only to do the PoE. Gt same as above. Message me on xbox for invite
Lvl 27 Titan looking for a raid group on the 360 to do the VOG with will be my first time I'll be doing it tomorrow at 3:10 central standard time in the U.S. Message me at NESNEJ 40
LF group to do nightfall or PoE on lvl 32
Newd 1 for poe 35 round 4 msg talmaxs for inv must be 34
Doin crota hard deathsinger need a good swordbearer lvl 32+ message gt above for invite
Anyone interested in doing prison of elders ? Im a 33 defender with gally
Lv33 titan looking for crotas end fresh GT: Intri Kid
Looking for a VoG hard team from Templar invite me if you have a checkpoint
Lookin for an osiris team, 360
Need 2 more for 35 prison of elders but must have a hunger or gally. Message superdude056 for inv
Poe 32, 32+ gt:JohnboysRevenge
Need 1 more for 34 PoE gt same as here
Looking for 2 to do nightfall or lvl 32 PoE Gt same as above
Lv33 looking for crotas end fresh start GT: Intri kid
33 warlock looking for hard Crota GT same
Prison of elders level 34 message me if you want to join you have to be level 33+ GT: Attack Riley
Doing fresh Croat on norm and need a sword bear. MSG DOME RipTide for an invite.