originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Anyone open to carry my 28 Hunter through normal Crota? I'm extremely experienced. Not my first character. (360)
NEED 2 FOR NIGHTFALL -Must be 32 -Looking to finish fast so must have experience -Must have good weapons -gt same as above
Add me @ Nuttyprofessor8 I'm looking to do VOG on Xbox 360
VOG on normal
Anyone open to carry my 28 Hunter through normal Crota? I'm extremely experienced. Not my first character. (360)
Vog hard Atheon cp must have raid experience must be level 30+
Running a fresh normal crota raid. Must be experienced and have hoc or ghorn. Also need an experienced 32 hunter that can run sword. Must be 31 or 32 to join. Message me. Gt same as above.
Hard VoG fresh need three people. Gt epicpancake75 and have a mic. P.s no fat chicks thanks
Hosting hard VOG at Atheon CP 31+ Gt is same as above message me for an Invite. PS MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE
Recruiting for hard Atheon cp gt same as name
Doing Crota end hard mode death singer cp message sirupymaple640 to join
Fresh start VoG looken to complete it quickly. Need two with expericed 31+. Gamertag: iBarrett50Ca1
Need 5 for hard atheon. Mssge TGI ICE for invite 30+
Looking for people to do vog mormal fresh 31 hunter with ghorn
Need some people to help farm treasure keys from the events on Venus message for invite
Crota normal fresh... Message InTheLight316 for invite
I have Templar cp on hard mode send message if you wanna come
nightfall, gt same as name message for invite
Gt: damarava RAID: Vog Difficulty : normal mode Checkpoint: fresh Character: lvl 31 with hunger of corta - need players lvl 32 with Gally horn and a mic is best as we'll know what do ?- know how to use a relic
Need 3 for vog normal Message Shad1131 for inv
Spazzy Skuzzbal
Crota cp normal gt is same as above
VoG on normal. any lvl any exp. msg Spazzy Skuzzbal for invite
Fresh Crota hard msg for inv same as above
Looking for a team of 32 to do Croata fresh on hard on 360 I have three looking for three more but on sword. Gt same as name message me on xbox for invite