originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
32 warlock with max Gally looking to join a team doing Crota on hard. My gt is same as above
Hard vog confluxes msg for invite
Need people 31+ for Crota hard fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on 360
Need people for crota on normal anyone hell me plz
Need people 31+ for Crota hard fresh msg for inv gt is Forzania on 360
Gt: JesusDiedInNam Raid: ANY Special: SwordBearer/Relic Holder. MsgME----->JesusDiedInNam ____________________________________
Need 3 for death singer CE hard ms for invite hellbound70
I have crota normal cp I want to try sword Msg for inv Gamertag same as above
Doing hard crota to join be 32 with tracking rockets. To join send a message to killazone8795
Lv31 Titan both sub classes filled done multiple raid runs, I have a mic.. Looking for either normal or hard run on crota, or hard VOG .. GT:ARTICXMONKYNUTS
2 lvl 32 Titans with gallys looking for hard VoG pass an inv in game gt same as above.
360 get bloodiedbutcher looking for fresh Vog normal.
To all people looking for a clan, I have started a new one and I am looking for recruits. We will help each other complete raids, weeklys, crucible, and upcoming dlc. Please be serious about joining my clan and respecting its fellow members. If slandering, putting down other members, or any such unfriendly actions are taken against fellow members will result in termination from the clan. The clan name is the Raid Raiding Raiders and I am looking forward to having fun playing times with all of you.
Need 2 Atheon cp hard 32 only msg for inv gt same
Fresh hard crota-32's only Message MrsLoonyPenguin for invite:]
Hard vog fresh. 31+ message on Xbox for inv
Lv31 Titan both sub classes filled done multiple raid runs, I have a mic.. Looking for either normal or hard run on crota, or hard VOG .. GT:ARTICXMONKYNUTS
Hard Crota's End Deathsinger Checkpoint Xbox 360 Gamertag- TheEMan1337 Message Me On Xbox, Not The App
Crotas end, last checkpoint on hard, ask Ohh duckyy for an invite!
Lv31 Titan both sub classes filled done multiple raid runs, I have a mic.. Looking for either normal or hard run on crota, or hard VOG .. GT:ARTICXMONKYNUTS
At normal crota cp. need 5 including a good sword bearer(preferably hunter). Im a lvl 30 hunter with maxed gally so 31+. Msg Th3XELIT3 for invite.
Crota hard cp. Msg for inv. Need 5 including swordbearer.
Crota Normal Checkpoint ●need 5 including swordbearer ●need Good Rocket ●Experienced ●31+ ● msg gt above ● join quick
Need 5 for fresh vog 30+ gt:OcaZio message me for invite
Crota cp on normal
C cp Norm 31+ exp Need sb 4 slots Msg Thekoolmanthe