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originally posted in:Prime Elite
10/11/2014 5:29:31 PM

Raid Etiquette - Please Read

Below is a brief description of what I have learned in my 35 years when it applies to video games that have a strong focus on Raid style content, Group PvE progression, etc. The groups that I take with me will succeed, even if we fail. We are not going for the loot, we are going because like it or not, Destiny's PvE endgame is raid focused. Sure, you can run around the map and do strikes, patrols, whatever floats your PvE boat, I like to do that to. There is something about clearing a Raid that just takes you to your next level and can really be a huge boost to your day to day farming and having fun activities. Believe it or not, there is such a thing as "unspoken" raid rules. The same goes for a lot of activities you do everyday but just don't think about it. From driving your car, eating lunch at a restaurant or even dealing with a supplier at your work, there are things that you just do not do. The people in these raids, especially for the phases that are this chaotic at first, are donating just as much time as you are. They also have things to do, places to be, people to meet. They are dedicating this chunk of distraction free time not only for themselves, but for the better of the clan. We ALL get loot, we ALL get experience for doing this in more ways than one. Each one of us learns different tricks and tips for beating these things. I know just as much about these Raids as the next guy, all I have done is taken what had worked the best and applied it to every checkpoint we come across. Please read the next portion of this post with an open mind, it is meant to be informative. When you are in a multiple stage boss fight that seamlessly goes from one phase to the next without any breaks, you need to step back and discuss what is going to happen. For 5 minutes, or 5 hours, until everyone has somewhat of an understanding what is going on and teams (for the time being) have been decided upon and delegated. These raids are designed for it, after the first phase of the Templar, between the Confluxes and the Oracles, you can shoot back to orbit, hit town with your group, stock up and discuss what is happening, port right back in at the same spot, no big deal. This is crucial for success in any Raid, it is the difference between wiping and loot, no question about it. I don't know this Raid yet, I don't know these fights by the back of my hand, I don't know a lot. But here are some things I do know. We work together no matter what, we play on everyone's strengths, and their weaknesses. We gang up on tough enemies, we work through revives and we have fun and learn a lot doing it. Tonight will be my twelfth time THIS WEEK going through this Raid. I stopped getting shit after the first time through, could care less about the loot to be honest, the worse your guns and equipment are the harder you have to work, I like it that way. I am donating a lot of time to try and help people out here, and I do not mind doing that, I enjoy it. Two out of two times now we have been successful, the first time in about 90 minutes, the second time at about 150 minutes. Multiply these numbers by 6. 540 minutes and 900 minutes. This is the time that six people who could have been doing something else they should have been doing into what goes into your gear. If you refuse to listen, rush out ahead of the group before we even have time to figure out a strategy, if you put ANY of these peoples time at risk, you do not deserve to Raid, plain and simple. If you cannot dedicate 2-4 hours of playtime, Raids are not your thing, plain and simple. If this is the case you need to realize that the ONLY place in this game you are going need the armor to get to level 30 (as of now) is inside of this raid. You do not need level 30 gear to run around on Mars patrols, you do not need it in the level 24 strikes or for anything else PvE related. The people in the group are there not only to see themselves succeed, but the entire team as well. We came close to our first active squad member being fired back to orbit last night. No names will ever be mentioned, that is not my style and I do not feel the need to ostracize ANYONE. We died, no big deal, we struggled here and there, no problem, we wiped when we didn't need to because we can not follow directions, that can become a problem. The other five members in the group do not care about your Hot Pocket, your insanely loud TV in the background, how long your grass is and the fact that it may need to be mowed, none of this matters but the Raid on chat. No, these are not specific examples of what happened, it doesn't matter what actually happened. If you do not have even the slightest amount of respect for the people donating these huge chunks of time because you simply do not answer when 2-4 people are asking you to move, through multiple wipes, you are not ready to Raid, plain and simple. Raiding is more than a strike, it is more than a nightfall, it is more than a Daily level 28 story. Raiding is about timing, direction, patience and temperance. Only, and I repeat, only, with equal portions of these and a relaxed atmosphere will you ever succeed. Sure, you may find a group of people from time to time that yell at each other for 4 hours at a time until your ears bleed and they manage to clear something, that happens quite often. These people have looted nothing, they have destroyed what a Raid is about in its purest form: Teamwork. Raids are designed to strengthen, to create focus, to develop your gameplay in ways that you don't even realize right now. I bet none of the guys after tonight will ever be afraid of taking out a single Harpy or Minotaur again in tight quarters. They are going to know what works the best, when it works the best and most importantly, WHY it works the best. Raids are driven by mechanics, things you have to do at certain times to move forward. These could be as simple as skills you get from temporary items such as the Relic, times where you may have to enter a portal at just the right moment, it could be anything, these Raids are nothing but mechanics. They take getting used to, you don't yell at someone because they fail, you help them get on their feet and push through. You are not here alone, everyone is fighting the same battle you are. In the essence of all of this, now keep an open mind, don't be a huge dickhead. Don't block the Relic guy 15 times in a row with a perfectly good microphone. Don't rush out ahead of the group when you are not supposed to over, and over, and over....and so on. Do NOT be the person associated with this kind of play style when Raiding is an endgame focus, you are going to force yourself right out of the game, guaranteed. I would like to think that I keep my cool in these Raids for the most part, I love working with a new team to tackle huge content, that is one of the main reasons I play games now. I have kids, I love helping them out and watching them grow and learn, a ton of that applies here, it makes me feel damn proud when a bunch of green people go in and take shit out in a couple of tries...there is no other feeling like it when in command of a group. Be respectful of people's work, you are in a squad, a team, a !@#$ing righteous clan that can do this stuff without blinking an eye. Almost 1,000 minutes was donated last night to see the team prevail, and it was 1,000 minutes well spent. Don't be a dick, listen up, everyone knows when lag or a bad connection is wiping the team, don't act like you are texting your ex girlfriend and cannot hear a -blam!-ing thing anyone is saying when an enrage timer is drawing near. I can guarantee when Bungie adds another few raids and you fail to realize that hours and hours and hours of hard work is getting flushed down the drain because of social media you will never Raid again, that is not a thought of mine, that is a promise, you will find out for yourself. And on that note, GREAT -blam!-ING JOB EVERYONE WHO RAIDED, you are stellar examples of why this clan will be more than just a name. You will be the foundation of future members to come, the way you act, the way you represent yourself when doing activities in groups withpeople who are collectively donating 10-30 hours in a single day. Have fun.

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