I have been drifting through the forums for the last few days, idly reading through the rants, rages, and stroke sessions. The majority concensus seems to be that there just instance enough substance to the game, whether that substance be variety in bounties, missions, loot, et al. I think a simple solution to this is to create a dynamic system that contantly presses the player to disengage from the grind.
[u][b]Continuous War[/b][/u]
The premise of the game is a war on mutiple fronts, so lets have war on multiple fronts. Establish control points on every planet, within each existing zone on that planet (Archer's Line, The Divide, et al.). These control zones should be capturable by PCs or NPCs, and each zone should have a randomly occuring horde raid where a high number of enemies spawn and attempt to take control of the zone. In the absence of these horde raids, regularly occuring enemy units should also be able to capture the zone, but their common behavioral attributes should not be altered to make them seek out the capture points.
Each captured zone should come with it a higher percentage of loot drops overall: there should not be a change to the randomness of the loot dropped, because an increase in legendary engrams would just unbalance the entire system. The increased percentage of loot drops for enemy kills should only be active inside of captured zones on a given planet. If an entire planet is captured, then the entire planet will experience the increase. Given the relatively low number of players permitted per map, the likelihood of an entire planet being captured is minimal at best, which I believe will enforce the random nature of this system.
I had originally thought that incorporating this system globally would enhance it, but I can't conceive of an appropriate algorythm that would adequately maintain randomness and balance. My original conception of this idea was that if 51% of all planetary iterations held one zone, then that zone would be enhanced on that specific planet across all iterations. While I am sure many would rejoice at the thought, it would make this sort of system effectively pointless: eventually the enhancement would become the norm, rather than the exception. Instead, each iteration of a planet should have zones that function independently of other planetary iterations. Under this system, each group of guardians on a specific planteary iteration will need to capture and maintain their respective zones while engaging in whatever activity they are on that planet for.
This system will address a multitude of current gripes and grievences with the game:
1. People want a Horde mode, which this system incorporates
2. People want a break from the typical grind, which this system accomplishes
3. People want more legendary loot, which this system will provide without just giving it away.
Incorporating some form of global plantery status readout to track captured zones across all iterations would be great, and would further strengthen player drive to engage in controlling zones. Also, the zones and horde raids should occur on top of everything else already happening on a specific iteration. This will allow players patrolling or engaged in a specific mission to break from whatever they are doing, capture a zone, and reap the benefits of said capture. Of course, you could always simply shift this sort of "war mode" into it's own open world on each map.
[u][b]Open World PVP[/b][/u]
Solidsnake suggested adding an open world PVP environment. I personally like the idea, and think it would be a great addition. This would allow people an alternative to the grind of crucible, and make patrolling palents a more dynamic experience. Of course, not everyone wants to be griefed while they are roaming a planet, so the best way to accomplish this would be an option to enable PVP during patrols in the settings menu. Since the idea here is to enhance, there shouldn't be loot drops from killing guardians. Spliked guardians should drop glimmer, xp, and I think it would be interesting to provide a small amount of faction rep if the spliked guardian and guardian doing the spliking are wearing faction class items.
I agree u can even add the clan element and have weekly clan fights for the cps