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Edited by KingKRule89: 10/12/2014 9:53:53 PM

Hunters require skill, everyone else is just playing easymode

Oh goodness where do I start? Im just gonna come out and say it... Everyone thats not a Hunter is playing a crutchweak casuals class. Locks and Titans will just try to knock us down, because they know they picked the easy mode classes. Like, lets look at everyones nades, Who has actual gernades that you have to connect with to get a kill? Everyone else has these massive AOE DOTS that you can just fire into that 1/4 of the map to get a kill. Who actually has to plan their supers with their massive WARMINDS? Who can most easily get wiped during their supers? The tally for eveyone else is 2 panic button supers (lol), A stupid easy to counter dance party, and a "I suck so hard I need a 2nd chance". And, whats this GARBAGE about Bladedancers needing a nerf because of a little damage resistance during their super animation? Everyother class has an actual -blam!-ing shield built in the class! Not to mention everyone gets the resistance, You just cant tell because you either get a shield from your super or you are using a panic button. Which two classes all have the OHKO melee attacks? Doesnt really matter cause Im use dancing around your clunky characters, stabbing and blasting your ass, shields or not. Bottom line, anyone crying for Hunter nerfs dont realise how pathetic and crutchweak they are, and are actually just getting wrecked by better skilled players. Hunters, lets keep using our heads and skills to make a joke out of classes so weak they need OHKOs and shields. Edit: This topic proves my point. Weak ass Tityans and Snoorelocks have to team up to counter these FACTS. While my fellow Hunters quietly "like" then watch yall get burned with one mans logic.

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  • Calm down dude. Don't feed the troll.

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    • Read the tags people. Read the tags.

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      • It's Titan*, your basic literary issues pretty much underline your lack of depth and reasoning behind your argument. I mean at least know the name of the class you're bashing. Shit.

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      • So, I actually tested it out with my friend on rumble. He took 3 hand cannon head shots to die regularly, and 5 to get killed with arc blade active. So that's roughly 20% damage resistance. He then took 9 AR headshots to kill me, then 16-17 when I had radiance active. That's not even with radiant skin active. Nearly 50%. And people thing hunters need a nerf? I don't think so

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        • Quite honestly, my issue with supers is the fact they're one hit kills, there is no way to defend yourself or survive one [i]most[/i] of the time, which makes it hell when you're going for kill streaks. I enjoy dishing out death with my hunter specials, but I don't care to be on the receiving end enough to compromise my own power. There are multiple solutions, of course. Playlists without supers are more than likely in the works, and I'll be playing those. Supers could be dumbed down a slight bit, as in "Golden gun can be a one shot kill IF it's a headshot, otherwise, your enemie is down to a fraction of health". Blade dancer could take at least 2 hits, or 1 hit if you hit an enemy in the back (it can be quite tricky to coordinate your movements in blade dancer mode). I would offer suggestions for the Titan and Warlock classes, but I have not played as either yet and would be lacking insight. Specials are amazing, and they have their place in the game. But we need to have the option to play in a list without them, or dumbed down versions of them to make the playing field a bit less frustrating and closer to even as far as odds of survival go.

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        • Okay this is a really dumb post. Moving on. [spoiler]I'm a hunter. I can't agree with you at all.[/spoiler]

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        • gr8 b8 m8 8/8

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        • I think all classes are fair. I don't care what anyone else plays. Sure I find pride in playing my class but do I need to make a big deal about it? No. Your obviously a fan of the hunters class and I respect that. I don't see a need to "Nerf" your class. Because if that ended up happening then everyone's class would need to be "Nerfed" I personally think every class takes some form of skill. Everyone who complains about classes being "Nerfed" just need to adapt to that classes offensive strategy. It's only a problem if you make it one. Try finding more effective ways to deal with your opponents rather than complaining to Bungie about how it isn't fair. If the system was really that broken as many people are saying, I wouldn't be having as much fun as I am playing against other guardians in the crucible. I'm a Titan, my hat goes off to Warlocks, Hunters, and other fellow Titans for making this game diverse and enjoyable. Hope that made sense.

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        • real quick, hunters have a 3 shot super so if they miss they can shoot again, the with blade dancer you can just leap around instantly out running everyone killing them even if they shotgun you (shotguns literally melt anyone at melee range) and after that you have cloak blink and your a teleporting melee, hunters are as easy as the other classes.

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          • There is no "hard" or "easy" class to play. They all have pros and cons, and obviously have different play styles. I for one use the defender Titan, no offensive super at all. I'd say that takes more skill to utilize than a super that can wipe a whole team (blade dancer, striker, voidwalker). Also I've seen plenty of hunters use supers as a panic button, especially the blade dancers. Oh and the hunters have AOE grenades as well. Also throwing a grenade into a group of enemies isn't really that hard, so your "skilled" grenade usage is BS. Bottom line is you're not any better that anyone playing another class. Actually the fact that you had to get on the internet and declare yourself better than everyone is pretty pathetic.

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            • About the shields during supers, I had a titan hulk smash me the other day. As he was jumping up I shot gunned him in the head. We were literally touching each other. It didn't stop him at all, my team still died and when I looked at him after we were dead he still had all of his health and 25% of his shield. How am I supposed to counter this?!

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              • Man you got it all wrong. Defenders are easily the most strategic when it comes to super use. All you have to do is aim to kill. And blade dancers have extremely high killing potential. I'm mean press r2 and it's the same thing as fists of havoc and then press melee randomly to get kills. Come on dude. Give the other classes a try before you post. I've played all 3.

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              • Edited by Seven: 10/12/2014 7:21:27 PM
                You're a Bladedancer, and you're talking about the dance? The only respectable Bladedancer skill play I know of is stealth choking people. A gunslinger can precision kill enemies at range and across the map, where they have trouble is in choke points, sit a skilled Bladedancer in there and no one is going to touch your team's objective. However let's please not claim that Bladedancer is anywhere as skill based as gunslinger. We have to run around nimbly without the ability to disappear, and hit heads, hit knife throws and stick trip mines, or strategically place them to shore up our weakness to choke point strat. BD melee has serious lunge, if I'm in panic range as a gunslinger my method of "panic" is getting a stick around.. I can't even blink strike and escape artist. Your dance HAS a SHIELD, does my gun? No, I also can't panic spam my melee button to take out a team, I need to line up shots in and out of cover to avoid being focus fired. I've seen and played with many skilled bladedancers that absolutely work in conjunction with other classes to straight out shut out a team, hell, for a long while I've played BD. However let's not claim that every Bladedancer you see needs to be a supremely skilled player. Gunslinger on the other hand literally requires you to deal precision damage to grab any effective buffs. Don't do this to the hunter class, especially if you can't even play the more skill based subclass, or you look like a douche, a right I reserve for myself

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                • Lol okay

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                • 0
                  nice troll

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                • It takes skill to play any class not just one. I'm a hunter and I disagree with this post I've played all classes and can say all have their strengths but none are o.p.

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                  • Edited by Bizmal: 10/12/2014 7:07:25 PM
                    Haha. Titan for the win.

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                  • Muted because bad

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                  • You chose the life, not us. 8]

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                  • It's funny because your K/D sucks almost as bad as mine

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                  • I play a hunter. I'm garbage at PvP. I've taken out a team of 6 while blade dancing. That being said, in PvE I don't use arc blade because just 1 enemy will kill me. I don't think there's any valid argument which backs up skill being needed to use arc blade... set your perk to heal on kill and use the helmet which reduces arc blade energy use... instant kills in PvP. Just want to reiterate... I often have below 1.0 k/d and have killed the entire 6 person team on my own. Arc blade is easy mode in PvP.

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                  • Do research 1st yes we hunters do get a bit of resistence when we use bladedancer but it is kind of unfair for you can run into an entire enemy teams and kill them all just by slicing a knife around we do require a different game style indeed but with our gunslinger we don't get any resistance because we have so much power packed into our golden gun and with a warlock using sunslinger he needs a lot of resistance (but they could bring it down some) becaiuse all he can do is throw gernades around and on their nova bomb they have to be able to throw the bomb around before dying the titan defender is sort of op because he bocomes near impossible to kill inside his shield but all he can use is his/hers regular guns which have no damage increase. With their fist of havoc they get no health increase because they can use it so fast but after they get a blue shield if they complete their move

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                    3 Replies
                    • all of you are retarded and obviously dont know shit about the game when any titan, warlock or hunter is using a super they take less damage the titans only last for a few seconds so you really dont notice it when they use there smash warlocks using sunsinger get a major dmg reduction when using there super and the same for bladedancer most people dont notice this because they suck and cant kill anything i have killed plenty of each character while there abilities are active its not hard just shoot in the head.

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                    • Lol I knew before entering that op is a bladedancer.

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                    • Let me get this straight. You think that 1-shotting 3-4 people with a gun, or 3-5 people with a knife is "hard mode" and self-reviving, spamming grenades, or shooting a rocket launcher blast that needs some decent aiming is "easy mode." Seems legit. I won't speak for Titans, as I haven't played one. All I really know of them is their bubble, which I understand is good for countering a few other supers.

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                      • Titan is the weakest class due to it's Shield sub Class, it's striker class how ever can be cheap. Hunter has the most offensive but vulnerable ability's like throwing knife leaves you hella vulnerable and the two super's can be wasted Warlock is the most op as he has a very effective defensive option and a decent offensive option

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