Do you think that I future content that it's possibly located on Earth where Old Shore? There's a place in one of the old ships deep beneath it where three Hive majors are stationed guarding... Something.... Awesome post!
Ya there are 2 "pods"(maybe I guess that's what they are) that are smashed through the wall. Maybe more but I know 2 for sure. The one the knights are in front of is locked but the other one is open. They have the same shaped door. The open one doesn't have anything in it that i saw. Has to be something special about that area but I always thought it dealt with krota since it's hive "guarding" it.
Exactly and they're extremely strong! Something has to be special there!
I think if you went and glitched in that one spot on the old shore area and got into that complex, thats the Rasputin DLC locked part.
That is Bunker RAS-2 where Rasputin is supposedly located. Interesting fact, the crates and machines bear the same symbol as the pocket inifinty special upgrade (diamond with wings/border).
So much hidden stuff on earth. I knew that area was special!