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10/12/2014 12:12:34 PM
No. Just no. Hunters are the crutch class. Personally, in PVE, I don't care what you use. In PVP, if you use a hunter, I want to actually punch you in the face, not your hunter, you. Nothing says fair like having one douche use arc blade and 6 people shooting at him and not killing the dude.

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  • It's hilarious because that hunter carving your asses takes like 15 seconds to do it. 15 seconds in which you can run away, dodge, or kill him. A puss ass titan pushed a button and half a second later the entire room is dead.

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  • Lol 15 seconds? Try more like 5. You saying 15 seconds makes it worse though. Like it should be fair that 1 guy is practically invincible for that long. You can kill a Titan while he is doing his super, but if that hunter is at least somewhat competent he isn't dying even if you have multiple good players firing at his ass. Complete BS. it's like whoever put this in PVP plays call of duty, and when they get knife kills after they've been hit they get a raging hard on. So they suck this crap in destiny so they can fap whenever they wipe a team. Melees have been a huge problem with FPS games, and bungie made it even worse with arc blade.

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  • He who plays a titan shall keep very quiet about the douche use FoH with 6 people shooting him and not killing the dude~ I activate arc blade midway through your smash, guess what happens? I die~ You activate your smash midway through me carving your ass to shreds, guess what happens? I DIE~ Stop trolling and "Git guud~"

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  • THIS^^ is what punks post. I almost want to just mock it but instead call it as I see it.

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  • Listen, I play as a hunter and it's very rare I ever use my abilities unless I need to as an example a Titan using his shield. I will bring the golden gun out or when I hear an arc blade. However is like to point out that I've killed an arcblader with two shots of my shotgun before he got near me, it wasn't the first and won't be my last. I also get messaged about me being an arc blading golden gun slinging piece if shit. But in an entire game I only used my golden gun once and it was in defense to stop another super. So let's not point fingers at classes because not every needs their abilities.

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  • I say play how you wanna play cry babies will be just that. You shouldn't have to justify your playstyle or choice to anyone

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  • Edited by Synxterr: 10/12/2014 2:44:42 PM
    you forgot to mention once a hunter is using his super ability it could be interrupted by other classes, while we, as hunters cannot. lame. hunters require skill.

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  • Edited by Ultron: 10/12/2014 4:14:57 PM
    Golden gun can shut down any super but striker.

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  • But I'm a gunslinger?

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  • If your entire team shoots me all at once and cannot kill my Bladedancing ass, you must be the living, breathing representation of Stormtrooper Accuracy. In English, you can't shoot for sh*t and you should feel bad.

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  • +1 lol

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  • So you're so bad you actually want to assualt other , more skilled, players. Mad cuz bad

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  • Hunters are only good with skilled players yeah noobs can get away w/ a few kills per game w/ a blade dancer but it's mainly because they suck and die a lot which gains their super faster. Warlocks and titans are the noob classes but if a skilled player uses the warlock they could potentially be the top player in game every time. I'm a hunter and have a 2.34 k/d

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  • Not every Hunter uses Bladedancer you know. Personally can't stand the subclass.

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  • Its just your aim and all the other crybabies who can't aim XD Hunters really don't have any panic killing inputs, sorry to tell u :x I also play as a warlock and surprisingly is much easier than playing as a bladedancer. U can try to call me out all u want, but if u look up my stats, or many other arcbladers stats i can pretty much guarantee u that its a lower superkill/total kill ratio than other supers. Reason being that high kills with it are rare... What kind of brain dead team stays in a single area and doesn't shoot back at all? A bladedancer rushing a whole team is suicide. Your argument can only convince crybabies & ppl with awful an meta/little multiplayer experience. btw playing as a voidwalker is easier than an arcblader from experience XD no lie

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  • True!

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  • Lol, dude, u seem to suck really much. I rarely get killed by the blade dancer, just move around and keep distance, jump over him if necessary. The Titan is much worse, with his stupid chaos fist killing you behind a wall, this is the true class for some AAA noobs.

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  • It sounds like since u and 5 other friends can't aim for shit, that u want arc blade nerfed. Btw I use gunslinger in PvP.

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  • exactly right sparks i feel the same.

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  • Not every hunter is a blade dancer dude, I. hate the archblade

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  • Never said every single hunter uses that. For every 9 I see that does, 1 doesn't. I get killed by golden gun occasionally, but I get killed by that arc blade multiple times per round.

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