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10/12/2014 4:08:57 PM
I agree with Mike I use Titan class. What mike says is true titans are killable when they go to use FOH. I can't tell you how many times ive been killed by goldengun or some other super while using FOH. now as for titan defender class (Which Is the subclass I use for everything) yes we sit in our bubbles depending on what we play. Control is the perfect example for a shield user. when taking a control point pop a shield and capture it. If anyone is dumb enough to step in the shield well then that's there own fault for not playing smart tbqh. but even with that the shield is every other super. were not noobs by no means for our ability's. A person is a noob when they play stupid like most blueberries I get paired up with in the crucible when I don't have my friends/clan with me. Your K/d to me does not mean Crap this is not Call of duty or Battlefield if your basing everything off how good your K/D is please leave and go back to them horrible FPS's. In short Every class is killable by everything each class does in fact balance each other out you just need to play smarter and think a little before doing something which in this new generation is somewhat not possible because everyone wants everything handed to them instead of working to perfect and finding on there own. Good day sir. :3

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