I still die when I jump. In fact, I was in my bubble, with my Saint-14 helm on, then jumped up. Hunter should have been blind, but still got me.
Plenty of people with horrible Internet making it into match making since their last server hot fix. I have over 50mb up and 15mb down and I feel like I am playing against people on dial up at times.
Ping is what matters more than down/up for that.
Exactly. I feel like modern PvP has taken a step back in the last couple years. I know we've always experienced problems, they just seem more game breaking now.
That sucks. It's been 50/50 for me if I go near a Titan bubble. I think it doesn't work properly. I could slash a Titan in his bubble a couple of times and do no damage. Other times I come in and one slash he's dead.
Yeah, I'm hit and miss with my melee too. I've shotgunned, then melee'd a Titan in his bubble, then been OHKd by said Titan. I've also been melee OHKd while in my bubble with blessing of light. And my helm. I honestly don't know that to expect in any given game. I've got a clip of me shot gunning an AFK player in the face, no kill. I actually got an assist instead. Lol. I like this game, but you can't take it seriously at all. In fact, the PvP in this generation of games has been so shitty. I don't understand how the PvP experience has gone downhill so badly.
Wtf. I have to see this clip of yours. I had that happen to me, but I got the winning kill even though i died and they were still alive
I'll upload it to YouTube and post it here.
Yea that's what I do with all my 30 second clips. Just reply with the link so I know when to watch it. Great that the xbone has a recording function.
http://youtu.be/_KLxzkFyKKE There we go. My fails in all their glory.
...your teammate clearly shot him...
After my shot landed.