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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
10/12/2014 10:08:33 PM
They are not going to do it, nor do they have to. For petitions really mean nothing to them ever. They do not owe you teh full story all at once in the very first game of a series taht was meant to last for 10 years.

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  • Yes they do, if they want us to stick around for the next 10 years.

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  • No, they do not. You are a fool if you think otherwise. They owe you nothing that you think you are entitled to for you are no one to them but a purchase. People just cry becuase it does not have a the full story at one, so they can beat it and then trade if off on the next game. By doing it this way people cant do that and have learned the full story. They will always be mission out if they do.

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  • This whole post is foolish. The mere fact that I'm a "purchase" entitles me to whatever feedback I see fit. It's my money. It's my purchase, and if I'm dissatisfied, I have the right to voice it. To say otherwise is downright dumb. If Bungie wants more of my business...and they [b]DO[/b], then they need to address and correct whatever issues I have within the game. Or. I. Will. Take. My. Money. Elsewhere. And there are plenty more people, on these forums and elsewhere who will agree. And guess what, genius...people will STILL trade this game off regardless of story. You really think that stripping the story out of a game will retain people? They'll go to the next game WITH a story. And they surely won't come back to this game...unless they fix whatever issues we see fit. I really can't believe you had the nerve to say the things you said. That we as gamers and consumers have no right to voice out displeasure, that we should open our wallets at the beckoning of publishers, and we're insignificant. It's that type of thinking that endangers this hobby of videogaming. There will be a point when people will say "enough. They will had enough. And they will walk away from a hobby they enjoyed since they were children. And we [b]DON'T[/b] want to walk away. That's why feedback like this is so important. Some people may not like it, some developers may loathe it, but it's necessary. That's how games continually get better. That's how the industry stays alive. But not with comments like yours.

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  • the mere fact that hyou bought the game does not entile you to anything. You have no rights here on these forums or on the game but what they give you no matter what you want to think. There is no freedom of speech on the internet. They can control what ever they want allowed said here no matter how much you think otherwise. So no you do not have those so called rights you want to think you do just because you bought their game. They dont have to listne, they dont have to care, they dont have to reply to you about it ever. They do not have to correct what you want, for you do not control them. You are not their boss by any means. They do not ever have to make the game how YOU want it to be. You can take your money elsewhere, they wont care if YOU leave. For YOU are not anyone special or important to them beyond the sale they got from you. They dont really have to give a damn if you dont like how they story was done or about teh dlc. So no they do not ever owe you more just because you think you are entiteld to it ever. They do not have to fix every issue that every person brings up just to keep taht one player happy ever. They did not make this game just for YOU to be happy and have it play how YOU want it too. I have the nerves to say what I do because I do know the truth about the gaming industry of today obviously you do not. You can voice your displeasure all you want, does not mean they have to listen or do as you say ever. For you are not their boss and never will be. You are one voice amongst many, and that makes you a minority and not nearly as important as you like to to think you are to them.

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  • They don't owe you shit.

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  • Yes they do, if they want more of my money. And trust me, they [b]DO[/b].

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  • You're aware that the forum community is less than 30% of the actual playing community right? Again. Sign all the stuff u want but Bungie wont do shit. You want free stuff? Go cry to Activision... The actual publisher that controls Bungies money for Destiny.

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  • You do realize that 30% is a significant number of people right. And that's too much of a number of people to have upset. That 30% can influence that other 70% too. How did you think Destiny got so much hype in the 1st place? And that'll be a big problem for a money-hungry publisher like Activision, who's already feeling the stress of the Destiny fallout. Unless the number of upset people is placated, the dissension will only grow, and that's even less money for Activision and Bungie. You may think they don't owe us, but as long as they ask for our money, you're thinking wrong.

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  • You do realzie that 30% is nothing right.. that 30% is an acceptable loss to them if it came down to that. They are not ever going to try and keep 100% of the players happy, not even 90%. The 30% cannot influence the 70% ever, they just like to think they can. They dont owe you anything special ever, for you are not ever anyone special to them ever.

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  • Bungie was selling us from the start an incomplete story. They said they wanted to see what we made of Destiny so they could adapt it to what we want.Thats why they said its a ten year or more game. So you bought what they said and now your not happy? At what point of Bungie and Activision's marketing did you go off in a tangent?

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  • 30%on the forums. Less than 5%of that 30% actually cares. Good luck o/

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  • According to my (german) packaging we can expect a huge world with plenty of room to explore ('You have 4 seconds'!) and a movie like story. I can't find either in the real game. It's just a glorious chicken shooter with a dinkelbot that always does the same.

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  • You're still stuck on the whole "beginning to end" thing, aren't ya?

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  • Yeah, kinda like Halo CE, Mass Effect, and Star Wars: A New Hope all were complete stories with beginnings and endings and still set set up bigger continuing franchises. A first chapter to an epic does not need to short and incomplete. And considering all the great sci-fi epics that have come before Destiny (Including Bungie's own previous games) there's absolutely no excuse for the lackluster effort we got here with Destiny. To even attempt to argue that it's incompleteness is due to it being the start of a series is just nonsense. Had Halo CE been as lackluster in story as Destiny the whole Halo franchise would have died with that first game.

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  • All were made thinking They'd be one offs. Star Wars was always meant to be one movie till George realized it was too long and cut it down to just A New Hope. They didn't know it would be such a big hit. Then they made The Empire Strikes Back without a real end. Return Of The Jedi came along and they ended the story. George had hopes for more but that took years because of Ja Ja Bink's lol. Halo was an adaption of Halo wars as Halo Wars was set for release just after Star Craft. Bungie didn't want to go head to head with it. Halo was a one off game that took off unexpectedly. Never played Mass Effect but I'm imagine it was the same. Destiny is being designed like WOW or Everquest or ESO. Its not a one week, month or year game. Its a game we need at least some patient's with. I still believe its too soon to judge. If your not happy leave it for a while and play something else.

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  • Please know what the hell you are talking about before posting gibberish. First off, Halo Wars was not even a Bungie Game, it was made by Ensemble Games at the request of Microsoft Studios in 2009, after there had already been 3 Halo Games put out by Bungie. It was produced to fill the gap in between Halo 3 and Halo Reach because Bungie wanted extra dev time on Reach and Microsoft wanted another Halo game to keep the franchise in people's minds. As for George Lucas, he knew he couldn't sell one big huge movie, so he took the first act of Star Wars and rewrote it to fill a whole length movie and that become A New Hope. He didn't know it would be a success, but he did have every intention of making acts 2 and 3 if his original vision if it was successful. And nothing you said negates my argument that each of those franchises would have been doomed to failure with a lackluster first installment. Right now Destiny is a game where the core gameplay is carrying the game, but it's competing in a console market where successful franchises are carried more by the richness of their stories, which Destiny is sorely lacking. That's a scary place for Bungie to be in when their whole studio is banked on this property for the next decade. I really can't understand why so many people are failing to see or understand this.

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  • Look up the info on Halo Wars and StarCraft as Bungie talks about it in an interview. I thought most people new about Halo Wars predating Halo by several years and that it wasn't released.

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  • It's well known that the game that eventually became Halo began in its design phase as an RTS, it then became a 3PS before the final concept was settled upon making it a FPS. Absolutely none of that old development history has anything to do with the RTS game Halo Wars which was developed much later and had nothing to do with Bungie.

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  • Just wondering, but why if you already knew about the unnamed RTS that became Halo and looks an awful lot like a primitive version of Halo Wars and that I think of as Halo Wars were you splitting hairs?

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  • Because the early RTS dev period of Halo had nothing to do with the game Halo Wars, that fact might have influenced Microsoft in deciding to make Halo Wars an RTS when they were kicking around the idea of what to make it, but Bungie really had nothing to do with the game Halo Wars.

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  • You did know that Halo was developed for Mac and PC? And that Steve jobs used it to show off the graphics of the Mac? Then Microsoft bought the game for Xbox and a later PC port? The early version of Halo the RTS (Halo Wars as I call it) was not for Microsoft but for Mac and PC as Bungie has a Mac background.

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  • Yes that is all documented history, but no matter what you choose to call it in your own mind, the original Halo RTS was just the same game that eventually evolved it's way into the Halo CE we all know and love. And it still has absolutely nothing to do with the game Halo Wars other than the fact that Halo Wars was an RTS. You're acting like Bungie saved all the game resources/assets from that abandoned RTS project and then just handed it off to Ensemble Games to finish it and package it up. That's not at all what happened. Halo Wars was its own game.

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  • Yes Halo Wars is its own game inspired by work that had gone before but that still doesn't change the point that Halo and Destiny are founded on two different concepts. Halo being that it may be just one game and Destiny being that it will be more than just one game so my point still stands. And Halo Wars is very close to the original idea behind Halo regardless of who finally made it.

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  • So what would you call the first version of Halo that never got released if not Halo Wars? Everyone knows of Halo Wars and even though Bungie didn't make the final release of Halo Wars they definitely were the inspiration and definitely had been working on a game very similar first and there would have been some sort of licencing agreement and I was calling it Halo Wars as it made the explanation easier with out having to go into this much detail because you did know what I was talking about.

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  • Edited by Foreboy: 10/14/2014 6:13:11 AM
    OK instead of me calling it Halo Wars I'll call it an unnamed RTS. My point doesn't change at least 2 of the names mentioned were set up to be 1 offs if they didn't work out. Destiny isn't so its got a different approach. When Halo came out did Bungie say here's a game we plan to support for Ten years? When Star Wars came out did George say we're already making Empire Strikes back weather you like it or not? Like I said earlier I don't know about Mass Effect. How can you compare the one at a time approach to the we're already making the next installment before we released the first approach?

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