GamerTag: Zediculas3000
Xbox One
Level 27 Warlock
Mic: Yes
Pacific Time (Washington)
Ready to do raid today (sunday) or during the week in the evenings...
How do I go about getting on a team or starting a team to do a raid? Message me or invite
Add me lv 30 Hunter GT is espi08
2 29s looking for Xb1 raid gt rainbowdashxxxx o is a zero
29 hunter Xbox one GT zxX MR Xxz Call me mason
I have Atheon checkpoint on normal! Need EXPERIENCED team to help me kill him!
Gt :bhr thatguy1147 add me
Lv 27 hunter Devwarbeats
Still have room? Lvl 28 hunter, gt is xplosevo
I'm down for anytime. 28 Titan defender gt:LordOfFire1
I can't send invites so I will save gt's and hopefully be able to do a raid soon. Thanks Everyone for posting.
Inv ib r o w in y for boss lvl 30 warlock
GamerTag: Drymac DoUrden Xbox One Two Warlocks lv 29 Mic: Yes Brazilian Time GMT -3 Ready to do Raids on Weekends or week days on evening Completed the raid 4 times on normal
Warlock 28 beat raid already just want hard mode win i am on check piint before atheon fight inv me oDARK GECKOo
Hunter lvl 27 GT: FallenGamerGirl
Reaper11010 lvl 28 Titan
GT:TF3guy1328 Level 25 (almost 26) Titan
RelytX beaten it on hard , if anyone needs help message me.
Gt: Italian fire 8 Lvl 27 hunter Experienced Add me when your friends list is up I'm down to do the raid 7-11 EST most week nights, anytime on weekends
Am down Hunter lvl 29 today until Tuesday even now gamertag Chris Wolfpack add me shoot me an invite
I'm down. Sycon78
Lvl 28 hunter- AAH GLACIUS xb1
lvl 26 Hunter if you need someone else... My gamertag is REDxTIG3R
You wanna do one now? I'm down.
Xbox is having some issues today and for some reason I can't send game invites to do a raid??
Invite me Duearmadillo949
PeekAhBoo IxCxU
Invite me 26 voidwalker gt: Cpt Holiday21