Dear Bungie,
I farm, I do public events, and I grind loot caves and I for one want something to distract me every once and while. So I suggest a death squad. A small group of legendary warriors who only show up in patrol, and no I don't want this to be a public event, I want this to disrupt public event, farming and loot caves. I want a group of assassins (3-4) who is far stronger than the natives, smarter, deadlier, faster, more aggressive, and who aim to wipe guardians out as fast as possible. I want cold chills to run up my spine when these guys show up. But they need to have atleast a good drop when you kill them (of course that's a big if for even skilled players). Of course the drop would have to be atleast three ascendant energy or three shards. I don't want a big clunky enemy with weaknesses, I want no weakness, full of skill, and very deadly. Sorry to the farmers, but this would slow it down greatly. This would almost put a halt to loot caves, and god I would hate it if they showed up during a public event lol. Of course this would only be in patrol, not in missions or raids or strikes. Anybody else agree?
I'm not against loot caves or grinding cause I do it so don't bash on me for it, I just want a challenge while I'm out there working.
Man that's a great idea. As a person who runs bounties myself kill X amount of so and so in the cosmodrome as A 29 hunter is just easy time. A death squad is an awesome idea. I support this, bungie here is a good idea take notice! Lol
I believe it's a good idea but I doubt people will like it lol.
I like this idea