I think I speak on behalf of all of the fellow "nice" players that not being able to communicate efficiently about resource/material nodes and loot chests locations to other Guardians is extremely frustrating. Not having a "Follow Me" or "(name) spots some (material)/spots a loot chest" emote makes attempting to share loot to other players while on Patrol ever so annoying and makes you look like a lunatic when you constantly point to nothing and no one seems to pay attention to you.
Going to the roster of people in the world and attempting to send them a message takes too much time, with the added fact that they can leave the zone before you even finish the message. Shooting at people and meleeing them only makes you seem even worse.
With this issue present, I feel the need to create some sort of "guide" that all players can refer to when they are with other Guardians during Patrol runs. It's an extremely simple concept that even Titans can understand:
[b](name) points[/b] = [i]"I've Found a Loot Chest! Come here!"[/i]
If you see someone constantly pointing without a person's name, that often means there's a chest. Look and run to that Guardian!
[b](name) dances[/b] = [i]Here's some Spinmetal, Spirit Bloom, etc.[/i]
I would suggest you only dance twice, as resource nodes linger a bit longer than loot chests once harvest. There's also more nodes to go around rather than chests themselves, so it's not vital to spam dancing to catch people's attention. Still, it helps.
[b](name) waves at (your name)[/b] =[i]Hey! Listen! Look at me![/i]
Constantly waving to someone in combination to pointing in the general direction of the chest you found (so it doesn't link a name) can help catch someone's attention. If you see a Guardian do this, they clearly want to give you something.
These methods aren't probably what you're used to doing, but I find them the most effective (using the word "effective" very loosely) method to catch people's attention. Until Bungie adds something that directly informs others about nearby loot, I hope this guide can become the norm.
Bungie should add a general chat like WoW
Nice job. Usually a point or gesture at the person and then a few shots at them works. Hopefully more people will read this and realize that they aren't always being trolled planetside.
Yup I have tried to get people's attention this way to no avail. Hopefully more people see this post so that when I'm frantically dancing or pointing they will come take a look.
I honestly was hoping this would get more attention in the forums. Hopefully this shameless self bump/promotion will take it to the first page of the forums!
this would be so helpful, surprised it was part of the game from the get go
Great post. This is what I generally do. Wish there was a way to put up a waypoint on the map but I guess we just have to make do with what we have.