Am I really seeing titans and warlocks complain about hunters being OP? At least bladedancers take normal damage I can remember getting head shots on both titans and warlocks on their super and it doing barely any damage, in fact I've even used my golden gun on them mid jump and had nothing but death in return...
Hunter have to be precise and move around to use their supers, titans and warlocks just have to run into a control point and press (LB)+(RB) or (L1)+(R1)... or for their other super they gain overshields ? i wonder who at bungie decided overshields in multi-player was a good idea? because it really wasn't.
I think Crucible is hugely unbalanced, but I don't think arc blade has any part in that. If your not good enough to kill people while their on it (I've been killed plenty of times on it before even picking up a kill) suck it up.
i've been one shotted by a shoulder charge while in blade dancer mode.....yet its OP. Fukin garbage ass players.
Arc blade is op. But hunters are not op. WARLOCKS ARE OP. Range melee/shotgun combo is unstoppable in close quarters do to the fact that the get a shield after melee. They have the best grenades. The void walker super is like a long range titan smash that can be aimed. Self resurrection ruins streaks. Titan are the weakest class, with hunters not to for from them. But warlocks have every advantage in PVP.
warlocks are the mary sue class. They have the best bullshit grenades in the game. The melee doubles as an extra shot gun, they can come back to life. Their melee gives them an overshield (the titans has to actually kill), they have win button supers, and a super that lets them spam the bullshit AOE grenades. Yet....warlocks bitch and moan about other classes more than any other.
You can kill a Warlock before they shoot the void bomb, and they are far from invincible with Sunsinger. Titans are vulnerable for a long time after using FoH. I do think the bubble is really good though.
Titans never complain.
They actually don't take normal damage. About 50% reduction. But I generally agree with the rest.
My bad with that but to be fair i did check the perk tree for blade dancer and it says nothing about being harder to kill, i know titans have that unlock for their FoH.