Um let's see those arguments are based on statements with... NOTHING to back them... Also titan damage resistance too high? It's a -blam!-ing tank... so I've gotten all I can out of this conversation it's obvious that you two hunters arr far too conceited or blind to admit your class is far too op or I've been trolled I made my points and you never disproved any so good luck convincing anyone else that blade dancer is just fine. I'm happy to answer questions posed to me and I enjoyed our little debate but honestly I was waiting for a counter argument that never came... you never defended the blade dancer just attacked the titan. To me that says it has no defense. So I mean... If you have a counter to the actual opness of the blade dancer go ahead but I'm tired of running in circles defending a class that is not even on trial. The moment you can say blade dancer is not op because of x! You have my ear but sorry I won't accept: it's not op cause titans are hard to kill or it's not op if the entire team guns it down. Titans get a small damage resistance buff during the few seconds of foh but foh is a slow jump that puts us in easy fire range I have been void bombed, GG, and blade dancers and have died to all 3 without getting a kill.
Ok, so you want "proof" that Blade dancer isn't op? Here's the only one you need. EVERY class except hunter survives atleast 2 hits from Blade Dancer or Golden gun using their counter super~ What happens when a Blade Dancer/Golden Gunner uses their "counter" super? THEY DIE~ This easily shoots down the notion that "Hunters are hard to kill and are totally OP WAH WAH!" The fact that titans using FoH survive 2 OHK attacks proves that it isn't a "Small damage resistance buff"~ It's more than double your overall health. When activating Blade dance or golden gun, guess what? WE STOP MOVING~ Titans and Warlocks get to keep moving during FoH and Nova~ Yet another instance of "Let's ignore facts and just whine about Hunters". You seriously are a Troll Titan and I sincerely hope that all hunters take the opportunity to do the one thing you must hate the most~ Dance all over your mangled titan corpse~