originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
I need a raid group for VoG. It's my first time doing it, i'm level 26, please invite me: AutoTitan
Need raid group invite me, I've done vog three times in lvl 30 warlock with ghorn
Me and My friend need 4 people to do vault of glass on reg Gamertag: Trittonic
Two noobs need help with VOG or Crota normal on XBOX1, need 4. We are two warlocks lvl 33, GT: jithopta GT: norrisdog Aussie timezone
Need help with VOG normal need 5 lvl 30 warlock who's down????
Need help with Vault of Glass lvl 32 warlock need 5 peopel gt: Trittonic
Norm VoG gatekeeper cp. need 5. Lvl 27 hunter. Gt: DontKnowAnymore
Edited by PurpIeNinJaa: 7/26/2015 10:20:51 AM
Edited by CaptainColt360: 7/26/2015 12:38:51 AMRaid With 5 open slots X1: CaptainColt360 Im lvl 32 Warlock this will be my first time through the full raid.
Edited by TheRekMachine: 7/18/2015 1:17:50 AMLvl 33 hunter gunslinger looking for help on vog never done it I don't know what to do no mic broke trying to the raid... Anyone willing to help?
Level 32 Titan LF vog help. Never done it! If willing to help/guide me message JackDeezle
Edited by NochiusErqen: 7/16/2015 12:10:49 AMX1- 2 first timers looking for guidance on VoG Reg. Warlock and Hunter lvl 32. gamertag: Elf Xero, SqwilboSwaggins
I havent done any raids yet. Sgt Alejo on XB1 level 32 Warlock.
Need help with Vog have another person with me and I have a mic.
Need fireteam for lvl26 vog raid i am lvl31 warlock with mic ps3
Lev 31 Titan need help in vog PS3 gt surferjared100
need help with raid
Vog normal lvl 32 hunter GT : KIWI SKILLS12
Level 26 with mic looking for normal VoG.
Lvl 26 Hunter first time GT: Untoten Nerd
I want to do it please Add me on PS Qhr-666
hunter level 25 first time
I'd like to do it. I'm level 32