originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Raid 5 Open Slots Atheon CheckPoint Gamer tag Unleashed Noble
Normal raid VoG, 3 players needed, 28+. 7:30pm EST. GT: FREE BARABBAS
Need 5 for vog reg
Need 4 VOG with mic I am lvl 27 warlock void walker in 20 minutes
Need 4 for vog fresh
Starting VOG on easy need 2 message x II supahfly o join in asap
Send me an invite
Edited by bigriccio9: 10/30/2014 3:23:09 AMLooking to run through the raid for the first time. Need 4 more to help Gamer tag: bigriccio9
28 hunter lf fresh vog inv deathwalkz
Edited by Webber995: 10/30/2014 3:01:32 AMHave 3 spots open for raid. Starting at the Templar. Message Webber995 for an invite.
Vog normal X1. 4 open slots Lvl 28+
Need 2 players lvl 27+ for ending of raid xbox1
Anyone want to do a raid X1 level 27+ gonna start soon I'm a warlock
Need one more person for vog X1. Right now Msg me. Captainboxhack
4 spots 4 raid. im a lvl 27 titan GT:DHGxxN00BPWN3R msg if u wanna join
Looking for 2 players lvl 27 or higher xbox1
Need 2 level 29+ for hard mode. Warlocks and Titans. Game tag gmack4589
Looking for vault team 5 members 27and up
Looking to do a full VOG LV 28 hunter beaten twice invite please
Hunter ps3 lv 28 Iam down
First time warlock lvl27 have mic on X1. gt is same as the name
First time VOG 26lvl warlock have a mic and ready to play
Looking for 2 more for raid, X1, 27+ gatekeeper checkpoint Message Rhegicide
XB1 lvl27 looking for first VOG tag custardboots
Invite me gt: BRICKSQUADBOYZ lvl 27 hunter
Looking for a team to do the last boss in VoG. Lvl 28 Titan.