originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
27 hunter w mic looking for raid group. 1st time Gt beefh4mmer
Looking to join a raid. My gamer tag is "rover07" level 29 hunter
Edited by Darkrai: 10/26/2014 4:51:39 PMMe and my friend are lookng for a raid team to do it a couple of times for raid gear and rewards etc, we are level 28 and 26 gt is TheMasterThief7 pls message me we both have mics
Need help finishing raid gatekeeper checkpoint normal immortalrose086 message me if u can help xbox1
I am starting a raid group send me a msg and i will invite you to the group me and my friend are lv 27 and 28 and experienced welcome to help others my gamer tag is DHG SuperFive msg me and I will invite you when we start happy hunting.
I'm down
Looking for a raid group on here. Gamer tag Romeo74
Vog reg x1 looking for 2 to raid join party
Need one sun singer warlock at least lvl26 to finish the VoG message me to join gamer tag:cheekyboynz
Anyone with the aetheon save for VoG message me gamer tag cheekyboynz
If u wanna beat the VoG msg me we need One more person GT RedXGem
Need help with VoG Boss. Im stuck here and cant get by it. Lvl 29 hunter. 5 open slots on all night. GT- CourtneyLove79 msg or join
Doing VoG now on normal need 4 more people gamer tag:cheekyboynz
Does anyone want to help me and my friend beat the raid we beat the first part now we need help with fighting the Templar plz level 25 and up and needs a mic msg me RedXGem
Xbox one VOG, need 3 more players. (Already have far checkpoint so we just need people to help us finish) lvl 27+. Message me for invite
Lvl 26 Titan looking for normal difficulty raid. Message xXaPetRockXx.
Looking for a VOG run through. I've never done it before and am a lvl 27 hunter and I have a mic
Looking for a walkthru VOG, never been before. 27 lock. Have mic
Looking to do lvl 30 raid
Edited by army of k: 10/26/2014 2:01:28 AM
2 spots left VoG. Checkpoint on Atheon.
LFG VOG GT Daventure time
Raid with 4 slots open, normal. Gamertag FREE BARABBAS
Edited by Vinbags: 10/26/2014 1:04:49 AMRaid 5 slots open Lvl 28 warlock Gamertag: oVINBALLSAGNAo
Look for a group to join
Need 3 more raid last checkpoint normal add me