originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Need 3 more raid last checkpoint normal add me
Need help starting the VoG plz can't find anyone to help need level 26+
Haven't done the raid looking so do it with people that know what they're doing. Level 27 titian, GT: lilhammy11
No final boss checkpoint add me
Ready for VOG gamer tag Bloodmoonwolf7 hunter lvl 27 and warlock lvl 26
I'll join
On the last part if the raid checkpoint saved need 5 ppl to dominate the last part Messege if interested
Looking to do the raid. Lvl 28 titan gamertag: BlesinNdisguise msg me or just send an invite
X1 gamertag WARWOLF7595 level 29 Titan
Level 28 hunter. Regular raid from start, needing 5 players. Gareath
Normal raid. 27+ with raid experience. 3 slots open, x1 gamertag Rhegicide.
Lv 27 warlock need a team of 5 to do VOG on normal GT Nightreaper421
Level 28 Titan Raid 1 slot open gamertag: V o n g x (spaces in between each letter)
Never done the raid before, ready to start though, lvl 27 hunter need a full team, msg me at FanciestBubble
Looking for vault of class team need 5 people lv27 or higher gamer tag is xz50zx or u need a extra person I'm lv 27 Titan legendary amor and weapon
Lvl 27 hunter lf a raid
I'm down for reg. raid. I'm a hunter lvl 28 full legendary and exotics :)
Looking for a normal vog raid group lvl 26 warlock invite me if u want gt immortalrose086
Kingbigt29 lvl 28
Looking to do raid for first time. Level 29 warlock GT: XMarkStheBOX1
Need to do raid, two level 28's hunter and Titan, both completed before, only experienced people please
Lvl 28 hunter lf vog reg add deathwalkz
Lvl 26 warlock fully upgraded sun singer immortalrose086 invite if u need me
If anyone is doing VOG inv me please. L Triniboy L
I have 4 people for VoG reg. my gamertag is DHGxxN00BPWN3R. msg if u wanna join. lvl 27 or higher
Lvl 27 hunter fresh GT as above