originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
My gamer tag is xeroarrow please add me I would like to do the raid with people
Lvl28 warlock GT Deathapple66
RAID with 4 open slots: message me gt is same as username.
Looking to do raid as soon as possible to tonight. It is about 9pm eastern time. Message me if u would like to go please. Must be willing to hang in there even if we fail a couple times. 27 warlock
Really looking to do first raid>>GT: SELKxTRAIN - lvl 27 currently
Need people for hard raid Lvl 29 or higher add or message me xSLAP Death
Edited by LAWGISTIC: 10/24/2014 12:39:29 PMNeed three people for a X1 raid on Sunday 12pm (GMT). We have a two hunters 28/27 and a Titan 26 reply with your id's if your interested or add me XB ID:LAWGISTIC
Looking to raid at 9:00 am eastern time. Lvl 27 warlock. First time in. Please send me message if u are interested in helping me. Thanks. Xbox 1 gt: wormjohnson
First timer trying to find a team to do VOG on normal lvl 27 warlock GT Nightreaper421
Also looking for people for hard mode need Lvl 29 and up
Only need 2 more ppl. Will take anyone 26 and higher at this point. We are ready to go
Currently have 4 need 2 more. Let's go. Would like another Titan and warlock if possible
Ok currently have a group of 3. Need 3 more for the VOG. Need a Titan as well in that 3. Message me.
I have 5 slots open and would like to do the VoG on hard mode today by 9am eastern time. Most importantly I'm looking for a warlock veteran who knows how to push Atheon of the ledge. My gamertag is CrimsonCod3r
Doing raid at 9 am eastern time. GT: wormjohnson. 3 hours away. If your on lets do this. Send me message to get in. Please have mic. Lvl 27 warlock.
Gamertag DarthI2age lvl 29 titan
Itz Johnno add me
Edited by BookedSeeker957: 10/24/2014 2:43:32 AMcan you help me with the raid i really need good items
How many ppl do you have so far
Invite me for raid lvl29 X1 gt: Sandman 4Eva
What's your GT?