originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
I've got gatekeeper cp on raid, need 5 to help message court jester082 or add me on xbox 360
Need 3 for VOG fresh on normal. Lvl 28prefer
starting fresh VoG on normal msg overgrownroom on xbox
need one more fresh VoG on normal msg overgrownroom on xbox
Starting raid in a few minutes, only need 3 people level 28+ message me ASAP to get a spot, gt: yo ATLAS
Level 27 warlock looking to do raid for the first time, don't know how to do it. I need five more people, gamer tag is TaintedDragon64.
VOG raid normal. Need 3 more. Mic and level 27+ GT: TimeMachine1955
Doing raid on normal have 2 need 4 at atheon checkpoint message of add court jester082, I'm lvl 28 hunter also have lvl 26 Titan
Heroic Strike and Night Fall strike members need in 30 min if we get to it maybe the VOG
Raid fresh or atheon today at 9:30 msg me. Lvl +27 warlocks and titans recommended. Gt. ReconRubikZ
Edited by Squ1dWaRd420: 11/5/2014 1:08:01 AMAt gatekeeper need 2 more people to join maybe 3
Looking for some people to do the raid I'm a Lvl 28 gunslinger hunter
My group only need 3 people for normal.
look for some one to so the raid with never did it before but did in with others in parts but never whole thing . looking to start fresh raid and some one to help me run trough it hunter lv 26 gt CourtingMold1
Looking for fresh start raid. Level 29 Warlock I know how to push the Templar off. Message me: ThromvL
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote]
Looking for players. Atheon checkpoint reg. mics only please. Gamertag byron666
VOG normal @ 9-9:30 CMT. Need 3 more w/mic and level 27+ GT:TimeMachine1955
Me and 2 friends lvl 27, 27, 28 Titan Hunter Warlock want to do raid for the first time looking for help. Message me at Straycow5254 if interested
Lvl 29 warlock looking to do the raid again for the 7th time lol message me if interested my gt is my name on here
Looking to form a fresh regular vog raid party to run at 9:00 pm est. Comment below if you want invite. Have mic, lvl28. 4 spots remain open
Lvl 28 hunter looking for fresh start group GT: honor decay Been through the raid before
Lvl 25 warlock looking to join a team I have all day if you would like to do the whole thing from Start. Looking for experienced team can start in 30 minutes.
Anyone looking for raid km a level 28 titan on now add me if you need help have dine it before
Lvl 29 titan wanting to start raid from beginning. Done raid over 5 times, GT:bossduck236
Level 29 hunter. I would like to start from the beginning. GT: Gay Liberal