originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Level 29 hunter. I would like to start from the beginning. GT: Gay Liberal
28 TITAN psn: Arcinbold
27 hunter Add SapphireChip149
Looking to start or join a group lvl 28 hunter also have atheon cp
I want some help add delta keno
message for raid atheon checkpoint Gamertag : itevey
GT Jetobond Level 28 titan Looking for VoG
have Atheon cp need 5 ppl who know how to play. Today at 9:30 pm ET msg me for inv. Gt:ReconRubikZ
Lvl 28 titan Need help at the part right before aethon
I'm a level 26 Titan looking to do the raid for the first time
Level 27 warlock looking for a raid group. Never completed it but I know how to do it
Looking for 3 more for VOG run on normal this Tuesday (the 4th) @ 9:00-9:30 CMT. Must have mic and be at least level 27. Sign up for invites and I'll add you to friends. GT:TimeMachine1955
GT - Josh Tracey Lvl 27 Titan Mik yes
Edited by Koossy: 11/3/2014 6:54:40 PMLooking for VoG team this is my first run if you have open slots just inv me GT: Koossy lvl 27 warlock
Need help with raid lvl 26 warlock with no save msg GT; bossduck236
Looking for a group on or close to the gatekeeper. I'm a level 29 hunter message me if you need someone. GT: Gay Liberal
Badxatxthis need to do the raid lmk if interested
29 warlock, I've completed the raid about 6 times now message me if you're interested
Need 1 for vog on normal message court jester082
Need 3 more for vog add court jester082
I've done the raid twice, and I still don't understand it completely! I have a 27 Titan also I have a mic.
Trying to get my warlock threw its first normal before reset can some people please help Keldeij Warlock 27 Yes
Keldeij Warlock 27 I have a mic Looking for raid normal need people
Looking to vog on normal in a bout 3 hours, I'm a hunter lvl 28 I have a mic, new and experienced are welcome. Just message to join or add me on Xbox 360.
Looking for people to do the raid on normal. I am a level 28 hunter.
Looking for raid vog norm lvl 26 hunt gt same as name