originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Nt skullkrakr hunter 26 looking for vognormal.
Need people for the raid from the Templar I'm lv 29 gamer tag AureyC
Raid team for 360 on normal gt is username
Looking for raid team. Add me on xbox 360: XGU FIREBALL. Must have mic.
Looking for 4 people to do the VoG on the 360 must be 27 or higher. Message me for invite. GT: Gay Liberal
Gametag: jako ita, xbox 360 lvl 29 lock looking for a group for vog
Gamertag: ConstantTiara4 lvl 27 Warlock looking to do raid. openings available, apply within.
Edited by OvergrownRoom: 10/28/2014 4:11:00 AMneed 3 more for fresh VoG run message on Xbox at: overgrownroom
I have a checkpoint at the gatekeeper. Trying to find people to do just that portion. I'll help out with whatever you need if I can just get that loot from the gatekeeper. 29 warlock here.
Looking for people who want to do the VOG raid starting from the beginning on normal 4 more slots left send me a message if you want in GT is username
Experienced raider looking for a group. I've got a Templar save but can start over. GT SN95 COBRA R
Looking for a group to run VOG on normal. First time running it and willing to learn the ropes. Level: 28 Titan, Have mic. GT:TimeMachine1955
My group has been rushing this for 3 weeks now and are willing to rush 2 more players this week (on Tuesday), if you are interested hmu on here or on xbl gt is Christajew
Lvl 29 Titan, VOG Raid need +3. Send message, GT same as name
Edited by Alak-Hul, The Darkblade: 10/27/2014 11:36:03 PMNeed one more warlock for hard raid to push atheon off. Msg Darkfire 2007 for an inv Update: found people for now
Looking for some people who want to do the raid on hard diff for 360. I already have the atheon checkpoint and need to find some people who are warlocks to push him off since I am a level 29 titan. At least level 28 or up. Msg Darkfire 2007 for an invite
Need 4 players to defeat athenon. Message me gt:jakeboss2001
looking for 3 people to do VoG. I have Atheon checkpoint. 360 and mic required. gt is the same as on here. message me in xbox for an invite.
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote]if you want to do the raid msg me GT: bobwoohoo
anyone down to do nightfall strike as well as raid ? xGripbombx !!!
Need 4 players to push off or defeat Athenon. Message GT:jakeboss2001
Edited by I Muttley I: 10/27/2014 7:56:58 PMwarlock 28 and hunter 28 LFG for full VoG gt: raptorscream
At gatekeeper checkpoint 3 open slots message me for a inv garebear123987
Doing raid on hard message me @WarrantedMango9 at least 28 or higher
Gt: Matt Forreal Lvl 26 Hunter with mic
Lvl 28-warlock Sun singer or void walker Gamer tag is disciple0065 I don't have anyone for sure I might have 2 other people I will also do it on hard when I am high enough rank.