originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Edited by Drip-14: 11/28/2014 7:05:05 AMAnybody up for the raid on hard I'm a level 30 message me my Gamertag is WarrantedMango9 MUST be 29 or higher
Lvl 29 titan on xbox 360 invite Lilmichael406 in game very experienced have mic and maxed weapons
Edited by GreatValue3311: 11/28/2014 5:00:42 AMNeed 2 lvl 30's for a hard raid at oracle checkpoint msg me on 360
LFG for hard vog Lvl 29 hunt 360
Need a Templar cp on hard gt is TheKfactr going to kill legit ;)
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 29 OR HIGHER, MIC REQUIRED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Somebody to make a Raid... Add Datsukero on ps4
Edited by jarsaca: 11/28/2014 2:49:43 AMVoG hard raid gatekeeper level 30 needed 5 slots left also you can join if level 29 and missing 1 or 2 raid gear on xbox 360 gt JosetheJar
Looking for level 30 preferable warlock or Titans with experience and mic MESSAGE ME @ XaLe XrAyZ
PieP Bros level 30 warlock
Looking for Atheon cp. Been promised by friends to be included in their hard mode runs but then they never save a spot for me. I have a group ready to go at it, just need the checkpoint. So i would greatly appreciate anyone who could share it. Msg me @ TKO Ballistic Thanks if you can help out.
Lvl 29 with 2 other 29 on oracles Need lvl 30 or 29 Need a mic
Level 30 Warlock with Gatekeeper checkpoint. 5 slots left. Message me for an invite: I MythicGear I
Level 29 hunter Gt: Gay Liberal Gatekeeper checkpoint
Level 29 titan GT: Matahombre i have atheon checkpoint
I am a level 29 warlock looking to do the raid on hard Gt: killerbrees67
Edited by lethal sniper4: 11/27/2014 5:36:11 AMLevel 29 Warlock have not done the raid on hard but have on normal have 5 spots open gt: lethal sniper4
Looking to do raid on hard. Xbox 1, 30th hunter. Invite Algieon. Thanks.
Looking to do VoG on hard. Add me tag same as name
Doing raid need 3 29+
Need help with raid 29 or higher from oracles
LFG hard vog fresh Lvl 29 hunt 360 Gt same as name
anyone want to do fresh hard raid message me gt:XtremeManiac029 must have mic im a lvl 30 titan
Gatekeeper checkpoint on hard must be 29+ message me for invite. Gt: Gay Liberal
Looking for a team of warlocks to push Atheon off. Need to have 2 grenades and be at least 29
On Atheon Lvl 30's only Gt is xVxMetaxVx Msg me your lvl 4 spots open
hardmode raid 29+ have mic and leave gamertag