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originally posted in:Spears of Destiny
Edited by NEWBIE: 10/18/2014 12:33:22 AM

DeeJ I am now convinced Bungie is suicidal with this patch!

Edit: Congrats everyone we were successful (at least in part) Please read Bungie's newest announcement here DeeJ, I have waited for destiny for a long time and had high hopes, but now you have proven to me that you have no idea what players want. This patch/suicide note, is absolute crap. I was a good little fanboy, I was willing to overlook the flaws in story line, gameplay, crap PvP, and mission design (yay protect dinglebot again while he performs a task that takes the storyline nowhere, I love this one!) I was even willing to overlook the insane bullet absorbing ability of every boss, and the fact that higher difficulty just meant adding oversheilds and even more damage absorbing powers, instead of a need for a new strategy. I was even willing to find 5 other players who had high levels, and enjoy dealing with frustrating glitches (oh look the portal didn't teleport me when I stepped through it again, guess that's a wipe guys, let's start over) and all because I wanted the best weapon in the game, you know a weapon that said "this guy went through days of the gaming equivalent to water boarding to get that, he earned it" so that you could nerf it by a third! Screw you bungie! With great skill comes great reward, or now in this case with great skill comes the same stupid garbage that everyone else can find on the ground from a lvl one enemy! Do you understand nothing about what motivates gamers, and especially MMO gamers? We want that item that wails on people and does more damage than any other, because we earned it! The sense of accomplishment after doing the immposible and then having others recognize what you have achieved. It is the same reason we level in the first place, so that we can go back, find the mobs that killed us before and destroy them utterly, and in record time! (Btw you screwed that up as well, I shouldn't need to shoot a lvl 5 mob 4 times to kill them at level 29, they should explode, and peices of them should rain down on me as if its a blessing from some wrathful God. Also level 5 mobs should cower in fear of me, and hope that I do not turn my gaze upon them lest they are destroyed. What they shouldn't do is jump in my face like they did when I was a level 3) In short bungie, all of your weapons suck and need to do more to make us feel powerful in PvE when we reach endgame, they do not need to be nerfed, simply increase the ones you failed on.The enemies beneeth my lvl should act like it, they should act like we had to when we saw a level 25 and were only a lvl 10. (we ran away, fast, or were cut down with barely a wave of their hand, and we could do no damage to them.... at all......even with rockets!) Bungie you have just turned a game that I was willing to forgive almost anything and justify its flaws to anyone....into my next trade in at gamestop. Once upon a time Xbox had a game called chromehounds and it was perfect for a year with a thriving online community, then they listened to the 10 year olds whining about it not being fair that people who worked for 400 hours had better gear than they did and could kill them, so they patched it to make it more fair to the newcommer who had invested no time and earned nothing, and the game died in under a month, please take this lesson to heart. As for myself and my clan, we want to stay and play for years but if you reward our loyalty and hard work (not to mention endless hours of raiding) with nerfing our loot, and ruining our clever strategies on raid we will go where we can get that feeling of accomplishment again, and you can pander to the casual gamers that are going to stop playing your game in 2 months regardless of what you do. Games where you level are meant to give advantages for leveling and games with Raids (MMOs) are supposed to have overpowered rewards for doing insane things on insane levels. Basically you have made the Raid even more difficult and reduced the reward for it, and taken away the aspect I liked most about the raid which was it forced players to be clever, to find ways to beat him that you did not intend (since you clearly intended for every boss to have the same strategy, dump enough ammo to cut the great prymids in half while avoiding getting shot and destroying the adds) let us face the truth, going from level 29 to level 30 is a tiny reward and it means shredding all the gear you bought or found for gear with very similiar stats and a slight defense bonus or worst case you end up with stats like "Increases shotgun ammo" when you hate shotguns and would rather use anything but that, to kill an enemy. If players whine about being killed in PvP too much by the Vex Mythoclast then here is a novel Idea... GO GET A MYTHOCLAST YOU IDIOT! The whole point in beating the overly difficult raid on 30 (soon to be almost immposible) is to improve. This game just turned into a little league soccer game where "everyone is a special little snowflake, and nobody keeps score because no matter what you do we are all equal" So I am done excusing this game and may be done with it completly very soon. If this game had come out without the Bungie name behind it, it would currently have a score of 20/100 instead of 77/100 and you just took away all the incentive to play, by breaking any reason to participate in the ridiculously difficult endgame content. I beat level 30 Raid five times with the help of my very skilled clanmembers and can see no reason at all to beat it a sixth time. My disaspointment is only surpassed by your shame bungie. I hope you learn a lesson and spend more time fixing issues and creating new content (which of course you will then divide up and sell to us in ridiculously small increments) and stop destroying the few parts that already worked. Perhaps even try out a game that includes bosses more complicated than those found in "Contra" (bosses can absorb more damage and deal more damge with each level) and more mission depth than found in pong (defend stupidbot, and activate horde mode are not your only choices bungie, I promise). Right now you have held all of us hostage with the promise of great things in the future but crap in the present. When the Cryptach did that you said you took him to the woodshed, So take this as your trip to the woodshed and learn your lesson, if I wanted to play a game where everyone is equal and has the same gear I will go play call of duty. If you want me to spend years leveling up and "becoming legend" than reward me accordingly! You are Bungie, now act like it. Edit: Some sort of response from Bungie would be greatly appreciated, so DeeJ if you read this drop us a line, I am sure everyone is more interested on what you have to say than they are in what I have said, I for one await your response eagerly, even if you just say "I read this" Thanks. Edit: Day 3: Bungie, DeeJ, Your silence is becoming deafening.....

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  • Bump, not wasting my time adding my own opinion, bungie doesn't give a shite

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    • Best read on these forums

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    • I've said it before, and I'll say it again, they should have just put a ban on using the VM in the Crucible instead of nerfing it on both PVE and PVP, let the bots get melted but don't let it get into PVP

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    • Support Bump

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    • I should have waited a few months so I can get this game in the $5 discount bin at Wally World. I feel like the fun has been sucked out of the game.

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      • Dear Bungie: I believed in you! The art in your game and the mission content while repetitive has great potential, making for a fun game. Regrettably your staff and development team are failing at there job and succeeding at making Destiny worse with every update they release. Ask any non-staff player and they will tell you that the game reached it's greatest highest in playability as well as over all enjoyment on it's release, following up through until the first update. Your starting damage multipliers, player/npc health, as well as weapons settings were great. Currently your developer team has decided that there is not enough skill among players or so they say. With each update damage nurfing and health increases for npc's has become a common trend. Begging the question what do they think skill actually is? If you think skill is grinding away for hours on npc's who seem to continuously eat your bullets, you are mistaken. Players would much rather have a target rich environment to which they can do a lot of damage to a lot of people having a lot of fun acting like the legends you so eagerly promised us. But there is no skill, it's just a large display of power, your development team would say. I am sorry if you can't understand the skill involved in that, World of Warcraft does and look at their fan base. Open your development teams eyes before it's too late, because when new games start coming out for the new consoles, you will lose your fan base completely. The betrayed friend, LordShadowFlame

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      • We have to try to keep this post at the top guys .. keep comments coming .. talk about experiences after the patch Anything We have to make sure bungie reads this

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      • Bump so hard that it shatters Bungie's servers. I'm so damn tired of everyone complaining about guns being OP. Especially exotic guns. Seriously people? What's the point of having an exotic gun if there's no special damage increase? I'm so tired of BungiVision patching for stupid shit like this, when in reality they should be patching other things, LIKE -blam!-ING PROXIMITY CHAT, I mean, for real, what MMO in the entire world doesn't have proximity chat? Destiny is a massively small closed world where you feel alone. There's absolutely NOTHING about this game that says 'MMO' the closest to an MMO it comes to is pointing to someone. Don't even get me started on farming. Patching the cave was -blam!-ing stupid as well. There is a difference between FARMING & GRINDING in 99.9% of all MMOs but not in Destiny; No in Destiny grinding strikes and other things gives the same shit, actually, LESS shit than shooting in a cave! BungiVision, your game is broken, like the Iron Banner, Crucible, Campaign, Queens Wrath, Bounties that are repetitive as -blam!-, Your MMO elements that don't exist last seeing other people on the server you're in, Dinklebot phoning in his lines, to the SAME 7 STRIKES OVER & OVER WITH NO REWARDS ("But they patched the reward system for strikes!" One would say. Okay, cool a green gun or green armor for besting a level 28 strike, that makes it satisfactory now.) This game is just too repetitive and so damn broken, the E3 trailer was more complete than the final game. Forza Horizon 2 has a better story than destiny, that's sad.

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        2 Replies
        • Agreed 10/10.. I think I teared up reading this.. So many truths. Nerfing weapons, restricting Exotic equip, losing ammo on swap all to keep PvP balanced... The missions are mundane and the story is so faint its transparent... Sorry, not going to go read damn grimoire cards that should be a part of this Grand, Epic, Vast, Explorative, Immersive game I bought... Wait a second.. Those are what Destiny was hinted and advertised as... Repetitive, PvP based, Short, TURN BACK NOW riddled, and NERFED game.. Destiny was Nerfed before Destiny got released.. thats sad

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        • Also, This game will not last 10 months at this rate, how will it ever make it 10 years

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          4 Replies
          • The real issue is that half the people on this forum expect Destiny to be like some generic cod model. The other half expect it to be more like an rpg. Destiny is a mix of both or at least was supposed to be. Now its just cod in space or rather halo 6 multiplayer with a generic story that barely rivals cod. Point is, this game is garbage in its current state. Im not going to be playing Destiny until maybe the dlc drops. (Digital guardian edition here) if I didnt buy the dlc pass I would likely just erase the game and move on. Btw if anyone here likes a good mmo game stop is selling ff14 for $40 with the first month free.

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          • You should do like me and quit. It is a hard thing to do. I wanted Destiny to be great. Bungie doesn't seem to want it to be. Why waste anymore time. They have a track record in the last month of deception towards their customers. The flat out lie that was the Iron Banner is a great example of Bungie giving the middle finger to people who bought Destiny.

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            4 Replies
            • Love this post! So true! Stop giving in to crybabies and work on actual improvements and content for this game

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            • Preach! Couldn't have said it better myself.

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            • Some fixes are good or ok.I use the shotgun and I have to be within ten or less feet for any effective damage.a real shotgun 12 gauge has an effective lethal range of 30-50 yards depending on ammo type. Destiny shotguns look to be 3-4 times the gauge just off width of barrel..this patch drops effective damage range by 20 % not cool at all

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              14 Replies
              • I was actually looking forward to them fixing the scout rifle. Was a little under powered IMHO.

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                  The fact that they feel that accuracy [quote]while in the air[/quote] is more important than the exploitation of their final raid encounter speaks volumes.....

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                • You know, this was pretty damn well written. I agreed with all if your points about the game mechanics (enemies cowering I fear = win). Bump. I hope they reconsider to some degree. I posted a comment on this elsewhere but I'll try to summarize. It seams that they are catering to the masses vice the elite. It's a stable business move... At first. What small percentage will ever own that gun? If it's that tiny then they don't stand to lose much when you guys leave frustrated and jaded. Instead, they appeal to the larger % of gamers who dislike the gun's performance. They keep those guys happy for a little longer and drop some DLC to keep me hanging on. They focus on their largest customer pool... However, unless the entire destiny community is polled on the weapon through the game login screen, no one will ever know for sure. This forum is not a representative sample from the "entire" community. My new proposal: all future NERFs get polled at game login: it's working, it's not working, I don't know what this is. Those three options should be enough for the Devs to get some insight on their game and it's functionality... Maybe. Did WoW suffer this at first? I played it for a year and don't remember any crazy NERFs around the burning crusade era. Blizzard figured out how to keep people playing for a long while. There's a business model there that worked. Hell, there's another expansion coming out soon! Me, I preferred guild wars and city of heros.

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                  4 Replies
                  • the vex is shit now thanks to the noobs. No one needs to do the raid it is pointless.

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                    • I liked your rant, this game is the definition of appeal to the lowest common denominator

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                    • Now see how bungie will cover their ears while screaming to the top of their lungs "but this game is amazing u guuys "

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                    • Edited by Luomo10: 10/16/2014 1:25:32 PM
                      Seriously! I spent 210 hours before I got the best drop in the game and because of pvp it now sits in the vault. Let us not forget this nerf effected all shotguns and assault rifles not just the two they mentioned. Before patch 569 crit 239 non After patch 405 crit 134 non Same enemies in 28 heroic strike while @ level 30. Major crap now

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                    • This game is supposed to be like an mmo. I don't understand why people don't get that. There is going to be things in the game that are powerful. This isn't cod or halo. The pvpv is going to be all guns are the same. Putting 150 hours plus should be rewarding.

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                      3 Replies
                      • You speak for all of us dude.

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                      • I think Bungie owe us an apology. Why make the hardest gun to obtain in the game nothing but considered ascended energy, the same applies for pocket infinity. It's basically do the raid once a week and hope for a vault weapon.. Then what? Why even raid without the chance to obtain items such as the Mythoclaster: the pinnacle of destiny's endgame weapon list. All we can do is pray they listen to the gamers willing to put in the hours and force the majority of complainers to actually work hard to obtain these items.

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                      • You lost me at your little league soccer analogy. I couldn't stop laughing, that's a hilarious but spot on way to put it. I agree. I HATED vex before the nerf, but damn a pat on the back for everyone who has it. Not only did they complete the raid but they had a 17% chance to get it after the raid. That's awesome. It's not easy to get.

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