I think we should go on a world wide strike everyone stop playing until they do somthing right pass it on and share it STRIKE AGAINST DESTINY!!!!
Screw that! I need helium and shards!
Retarded opinion is retarded, break your Destiny disc, destroy your console. That'll show those BUNGiE meanieheads.
If we paid a monthly fee i could see how this would hurt them but.. seeing how they made all the profit from the pre-sell and purchase of the game.. How is going on strike hurting them? Stupid idea man. stupid idea.
stop playing destiny and go buy advance warfare, that will hurt them plus that's whats going to happen when a lot of new games that's about to come out Plus you payed for a beta lol TROLLIN US LIK THE CRYPTARCH DUDE
To stop playing is not hurting anyone this isn't a pay to play subscription game. It's a one time buy and done game. Also buying another Activision Game .. COD is exactly what Activision wants you to do. People here make no sense.
no duh ninja but it seems u got the hint.