[quote]Full group looking for hard mode last boss save experienced group[/quote]
Not people sitting on the sniper rocks. That's strategy.
Sharing a Checkpoint on HARD to get a chance at the end game content is the real problem!
Stop listening to the players who will abandon this game in a month when COD comes out. Instead, Listen to the players with over 200 hours logged on this game.
Listen to the players that spent hours beating the VOG on hard and deserved what every the Random drop decided to give them.
Simple and easy fix, you CAN NOT Get any of the Atheon drops as it is now, unless you finish the prior 3 checkpoints. If Atheon is the 1st and only checkpoint they clear... Award them with Shards!
95% of the players who have the "epic raider" achievement haven't even beaten the whole raid.
Bungie listen to the dedicated players! I have sat back and kept my mouth shut but this latest update proves you care only about Casual Gamers. It proves you don't listen to the real problems with your game.
Anyone who's beat the VOG on hard and has gotten the Vex or the Helmets or anything for that matter will agree... People who beat it like this will be the ones crying about this.
The vex didn't need a nerf. The checkpoint exploiting needed fixed.... But it won't matter because you refuse to Listen to us.
+1 for this post. But i got to say i belong to the 95% of the people who get the achievment like that.