originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
[i]Post here if you have recently joined Thorny Guardians and you want to be invited to the PSN Chatroom.[/i]
To my fellow Thorny Guardians!
I will be creating a new chatroom on the PS4 today and I will invite every PSN member of this clan to the group. Feel free to use it however you wish! Personally, I'm just going to be sending you selfies of my guardian haha!
Its pretty much the same as our group chat wall on here, which I am very pleased to see you guys using. But it will be much easier for members to play games on the fly! Hopefully we'll have some fun times together. If anybody needs any help with bounties or anything, just say the word!
[b]Note:[/b] You can attach any USB or Bluetooth Keyboard to your PS4!
[b]Bug:[/b] It seems that PS3 users are not experiencing the chatroom in the same way since it was created on the PS4. I also have no way of knowing if a member is on the PS3 or the PS4 so I invited everyone.
If you wish to leave the chatroom on the PS4, simply go to your messages and press 'options' then 'delete'.
For PS3 members, you will need to delete the chatroom using the moible app or adjust your messaging and privacy settings to friends only. My apologies for this.
XSTRONGERx is a newly founded ps4 Clan looking for members. Founder.,3x 32 Warlock, with every exotic weapons except red death and Monte Carlo. I have plenty of players including me ho knows how to run the sword. Looking for people to run Crota with 3 times weakly on both normal and hard. I also run VOG on hard 3 times weakly and do nightfalls/heroic's. ADD berkayyeser _ All I ask is that you have good moral and no need of ammo synthesis, ;0) I am not ok with having issues taking Crota down. Clan link https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/820424
Add Chiefrich76 please
Psn: TheMarkofTheD
psn: YouWouldThinkSo
Psn: Volmarii
Can I get an invite please. Level 26 Titan PS4 PSN: JMattar
Thorn 1th infantry squadron Rules!!!
Psn: cloudbound1993
psn: SA-18 Grail I would be glad if I get an invite
Add me on ps4 rapanation I am a manly man named Tiffany, the Bacon King. Love PvP and I'll do pve someone wants me too. In Bacon We Trust In Thorn We Trust
Psn: adamth1999
Just a question I got an invite but I'm not sure to accept just yet because I don't even have the bounty XD
Awesome a chat room. We can post when we want to plan something like strikes and VOG together. I am possibly thinking about trying VOG again next week when I come back from my holiday.
I tried and failed to create the chatroom last night everyone. My PS4 is being really slow. I couldn't even send any friend requests. I'll keep trying though as it could really help us to communicate while playing or for sending quick questions and requests for stuff. I'm really glad to see so many Thorn lovers here :)
Edited by DarkChildOfLight: 10/15/2014 4:37:19 PMI've managed to start inviting people through my PSN mobile app. I'll try to invite everyone in the clan on the Playstation side. Does the Xbox have a feature like a chatroom? It would come in handy I think.
Awesome. Glad to be a part of this.
Hi I thought I might let everyone know that I have sent psn friend request to just about all of you guys that play destiny on ps4.