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Edited by Darkclg: 10/14/2014 5:00:10 PM
So what I get from this and the grimoire cards that I have is that the Light is a Force of Nature just like the Darkness and the traveler is just a gardener who harvest this light and there should be an anti traveler who harvest darkness (the dark mirror that xur talks about) So we didn’t fought against the darkness per se (being a force of nature is not “evil” as the light is not “good”)… the war was against the anti traveler, but if the traveler is a gardener this means that maybe the big sphere is just a container that uses light as energy and stores light (for what porpoise I don’t know) and maybe the being that controls this sphere is a female entity just like the one who harvest darkness should be another begin… this explain why in the story above it is said that at the gate of the garden “IT” smile at him Now if the light is a force that comes from living beings… this means that the harvest is creating life on various planets thought the universe so there is a lot of light every time they die, this could be the reason that you get stronger the more you kill and if you use your light power you create light orbs, and maybe this is the reason that in the dream of alpha lupi is said that the ghost in the garden told you that you are a death power cuz you feed and grow stronger with death And maybe the darkness is the same, that’s why there are living beings with dark powers so when this corrupted beings die they give this power to the anti-traveler instead of the traveler (think about this like god and the devil fighting for our souls… pure soul go to heaven and corrupted souls go to the hell) So the garden should be a special place (the origin of life maybe? A place with no time so there is no death and only life and the traveler bring death to harvest light) that the traveler conquered and then the anti-traveler wanted so in the last fight at the end of the golden age the darkness corrupted the place but it was cast away with the last attack of the traveler and now that your guardian destroyed the dark power in the heart of the garden the traveler is starting to heal And now about that story of “IT”… maybe is not rasputing or the traveler telling that… maybe is the last guardian (of the first guardians) and when all the other’s sisters and brothers die they all give their power (light) this this last guardian so that’s why he had all the power’s of them combined (the blades, earthqueake, etc…) but even with this power the anti-traveler was too strong And the part where it is said that he shudder and that “IT” was strong cuz “IT” was alone… and that the gardener (traveler) made herself alone… could mean that it was a order from her to let the defenses down and he got coward but did this and with all the deaths the traveler made herself alone just like maybe the anti traveler did (killing all of it’s followers) and with this last breath of power it hurt the anti traveler so much that had to retire… but “IT” won cuz “IT” corrupted the garden And with this it makes sense now what the factions said, that the darkness is a force of nature (so is the light) and that the traveler used us (harvest us so we grew stronger and then used our light to defend the garden ) , maybe that’s why the traveler was found in mars… she put the door to the garden there to use us as a shield and power source to defend it (or the door was always there and used us to invade the garden just like it seems from the dream of alpha lupi) And this last guardian learned that to destroy the anti traveler or “IT” he needs to make himself alone (killing everything) and maybe the circle of the night are the first guardian that didn’t die but where corrupted by the anti traveler and all the people too so that’s why they are so strange Well I end it here

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