After all these patches and changes I think it'd only be fair to start again with a clean slate. For example, someone's KD would've been a major factor before the Nerf of a Vex Mythoclast. This way everyone plays with the fair version of the gear.
Also, for the new people who joined the game this past month and are just leveling their characters. Its not fair for us to make fun of them because they're new. Again its only fair.
This makes perfect sense. While bungie is -blam!-ing this game up might as well. Mythoclast is "to hard to obtain" so lets nerf it for the people that cant get it. GREAT IDEA. But wait, now suros regime is to OP. NERF. Great now grim citizen is OP. NERF. Lets just wipe everyones acct then get rid of all the guns and replace them with nerf bats. For all you crybabies out there that are ruining what coulda been a great game- -blam!- OFF.
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