Lord Saladin was recently accused of level fixing in the Crucible’s annual Iron Banner tournament. Saladin had promised a challenging battleground where only the strong and skilful will survive unlike, he says, “The kid gloves of the Crucible run by that joke of a Guardian Shaxx”. However his promises failed to materialise when veteran Guardians of rank 28 and above were felled by Guardians at least ten ranks beneath them.
One Guardian was quoted as saying, “Sure skill was involved. But when it’s my legendary armour and weapons scavenged from the depths of the Vex occupied Vault of Glass versus their rare and uncommon gear in a slugfest and they end up the victor? Then I call bull-dinky on Saladin’s whole operation. “
On the recent scandal Lord Shaxx had this to say, “If I had been appointed the role of Lord of the Iron Banner this year then a scandal like this would never have happened. Also, Saladin is a di-“ For tasteful reasons we cannot print the last sentence of Lord Shaxx’s quote. As long time readers will know Lord Shaxx was famously excommunicated from the five Lords of the Iron Banner after he punched the first Lord, bit the second and tried to date the fifth. Cayde-6 in turn had this to say, "There's an Iron Banner going on...?"
In other news a battalion of Titans have taken it upon themselves to personally clear the asteroid debris surrounding the Great Reef by punching every single asteroid until it is no smaller than a pebble… and then punching it again for good measure. The Reef Queen has yet to comment on the matter. Her brother has yet to state his name.
[i][u]Please select another news topic to view:[/u]
1) ‘Vault of Glass not actually made of glass’
2) [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/74421488/0/0/1]‘Aksor, Archon Priest’s final words finally translated’[/url]
3) Our monthly ‘Tales of the Warlock’ column
[u]ADDENDUM:[/u] For a snippet of some short Tales from The Warlock see the links below:
[u]ADDENDEUM ADDENDUM:[/u] Another Traveller Today segment is out now!
I was a level 25 in the Iron Banner. Usually in the Crucible I would be on the top two of my team due to my skill, but the Iron Banner made me struggle to stay above the bottom two because of my weak armor and primary. I wouldn't say the Iron Banner had nothing to do with the user's equipment, because it definitely made the game more difficult for myself. With this said, I am glad Bungie did a good job balancing skill and equipment in this PVP type, because it broadened the field of players who could play in it. Also, don't complain about getting killed by level 18's, because they have to drill a magazine or two into the back of your head to kill you in the first place. More than likely you either suck, had low HP to begin with, or were trying to take on two other people with a level equal to yours when the level 18 killed you. No offence to the writer of this post. I thought it was a good read and I wish to see more posts like this.