Devoid of culture
Dada singularity
Endless Capitalistic expansionism combined with the abandonment of [url=]the true path[/url] has led society into an endless swirling dadaistic chase of empty and false values instilled by banker elites until the perpetual growth stretched the dollar so thin that even the manufactured illusions of the élites have collapsed and the people are left chasing an endless cycle of self parody originally managed by but now out of the control of the oligarchs on a path so ultimately set on the nihilistic singularity of nothingness that one cannot even ride the tiger as the tiger itself no longer exists, replaced by a papier-mâché replica of a replica of a replica endlessly dancing a dance that it no longer understands for the amusement of the replicas of its once-prey who do not understand or care to understand where they are or why they continue to watch in stupefaction
Now to take the fight to the banker elite patriarchy.