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Edited by Leogan: 10/16/2014 12:00:11 AM

The Kill Volume on Templar is the worst part of the Hotfix, and I'll tell you why (Constructive Feedback inside)

EDIT 1: I want to thank everyone who participated in the discussion so far. I didn't expect this topic to take off when I posted it last night, but I guess I wasn't alone in my thoughts. Special thanks to people who educated me about the Bonus Chest fact which you can't get through the platform Cheese, and everyone who maintained a positive, constructive tone (as well as stayed on topic). EDIT 2: Spelling and grammar, 'cause it was driving me nuts. There's been a lot of noise about the weapon nerfing/balancing during the 10/14/14 Hotfix. Most of it was pretty predictable. This isn't the first time [url=]weapon stats have been tweaked in a FPS game[/url]. Arguments for and against have been pretty standard fare. Overall the changes seem fairly well calculated to balance the experience and extend enjoyment for the broadest subsection of players possible. To these I say 'Hoorah!'. I always liked Scout Rifles, now I am more justified in doing so. But the Kill Volume on the sniper platforms in the Templar encounter bothers me. It bothers me a lot. Please allow me to explain. I'm not against adjusting risk vs. reward. A true Cheese Strategy which makes a challenge trivial consequently trivializes the rewards that come after, and that is not good for games (this is why Atheon probably should have been patched first, but maybe solving that one is trickier and will take a bit of time). However, the "4 seconds until we kill you for playing the game incorrectly" solution to this is wrong on so many levels. An easy fix, yes, but quite possibly the laziest, and least fun way to patch the encounter. I worry about its implications on the overall philosophy behind what the game is supposed to be about. My problem is that it's almost always better to incentivize than to penalize. Invisible walls and kill zones are extremely heavy-handed penalization. They are a slap in the face, a clear message that you are trying to do something you were not intended to do. But finding an easy way to meet a challenge isn't always an exploit. In fact, finding a cool way to accomplish a task can be just as satisfying as getting loot for completing it, especially if you've been banging your head against the wall, failing constantly ahead of the suddenly successful idea. This is why my clan initially said we didn't want to watch Raid guide videos; we wanted the thrill of finding our own way. This stuff is gold, in terms of design. It isn't loot you have to make models, art, and stats for, but it can be just as essential. Slamming the door on it is, in my humble opinion, far worse than nerfing a cool weapon's damage. It's more like hacking players' inventories and [i]deleting[/i] that cool weapon, leaving a note saying "You are having fun incorrectly. You are playing [b]wrong[/b]" in its place. The sniper platforms were made. They were made reachable through our cool flight/jumping abilities. They included strategic cover. How could anyone [b]not[/b] anticipate players not wanting to try and use them? If we are worried about Cheese, here are some alternative ideas: [i]Make it tougher, enemies adapt[/i] - Goblins throw more grenades, target the platforms - Harpies fly out to platforms - Templar can hit platforms from longer range - Templar teleports one random player from platform instead of himself back into the arena [i]Make it cooler not to Cheese It[/i] - Include an achievement and/or additional rewards (shaders, emblems) for completing the encounter without anyone being marked by the Oracles (something you can't avoid by hiding on the platforms during the last phase, you just have to cleanse constantly because Oracles aren't dying). Patching how the encounter reacts to player strategies, rather than just killing them for using part of the map you designed and made available leaves the choice in the players' hands. They can still do it, but will probably choose a different strategy not because they feel forced, but because they will now figure out something that works better, and it will still feel rewarding because A) verisimilitude is maintained (of course hyper-intelligent robots are going to be smart enough to counter my camping), and B) you didn't have to slap them right in the ego with a kill volume which just seems to broadcast: [b]We didn't think of this! We will now wave a wand and you will play how we intend, your creativity is not the goal here, ours is[/b]. I like raiding. I want to keep figuring out new raiding mechanics and strategies with the friends I've made in this game. I don't want kill volumes to be the go to hotfix tool for future raids where players will inevitably find the paths of least resistance. Please keep this in mind and leave me my illusions of choice. They are really fun. Thank you for your time.

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  • 100%;agreed. Bungie is butt hurt were not playing the way they intended. Angry that we want more then 6 hours of story. Surprised we want more then two regular PvP types. Ashamed they didn't come up with these ways of beating their own fights. Certainly the worst part of all of these things is the impunity with which they'll take our money promising one thing only to deliver far less. With every update were reassured this is part of their plan, sit tight, nothing is wrong, all while digging through 2500 words of theatrics and spin. Bungies step into the mmofpsrpg world has sent them reeling a dozen steps back. Can they recover? Absolutely. Will they? I would be surprised.

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  • I don’t know if many of you have ever tried FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, but a strategy came to light last year around this time where teams could successfully beat a boss by first allowing it to enrage instead of competing against the boss’s complex mechanics (a sort of “hot potato” mechanic where you have to pass a debuff to a teammate within a countdown or it would wipe the raid). Contrarily, the enrage on this boss immobilized it, where it would then begin spamming arena-wide AoE damage every few seconds. The intent being of course, that enrage would wipe the raid. Instead, teams got creative. They brought a 3rd healer (instead of the standard 2), a single tank (rather than 2) and 5 DPS classes (instead of the standard 4). This make-up allowed teams to wait for the boss to purposefully enrage (after enough time elapses in the dungeon) and then essentially DPS race the boss with the 3rd healer providing enough of a healing buffer to prevent a wipe. People cried that the dev team should nerf the fight, that it was “cheese”, that people ignored the mechanics to make the fight trivial. However, there was a trade-off; doing the fight this way was time-consuming. The boss didn’t enrage until a lot of time had passed, so teams would sit around for anywhere from 5 mins to 10 mins waiting for the right moment to strike. Do the encounter the “intended” way and you never had to wait, you just had to deal with different mechanics. The dev team’s response? They were surprised and [i]impressed][/i] by the ingenuity of the community and that the fight was “working as intended”. They had no plans to “nerf” the content. I think this is relevant.

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    • Yeo

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    • Edited by Gunship: 10/15/2014 3:37:31 PM
      Playing one of the original Marathon games (before they revamped Marathon into Halo) I once used a combination overshield and rocket launcher to blow myself out an airlock (an open window high off to the side of a ship level), just to see if I could. to my surprise instead of bieng dead I found an easter egg. I bought Destiny to play a game made by those people. Not curmudgeonly 'do it our way' jerks that won't allow sniper perches!

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      • Please get a job at Bungie ASAP. Because clearly the intelligent people who made the magnificent Halo are completely gone, and what's left are a bunch of clueless developers with absolutely no idea to what it is they are doing. Read through the whole thing, loved every word of it. Salute.

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        • I agree completely. I kind of don't want to play the raid anymore just be cause this is arguably the toughest part of the Raid.

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        • Definitely don't hamstring players to do things the way you want them to. It reminds me of FFXI. In it, the samurai job was made and intended to be the third tank class in the game. However, the players formed the samurai into one of the massive damage dealing jobs. The Devs of the game were astonished at how the job was being utilized by players, so decided to create gear and abilities that supported that play style for samurai. THAT is the right way to treat your players, not to penalize them for a solid strategy to help them achieve goals. Fix the bug of aetheon and the oracle falling off cliffs, but not strategies that are sound.

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        • Edited by HMTKSteve: 10/15/2014 8:16:53 PM
          The more I think about this patch the more angry I become. Bungie has both removed creative ways we have used to run the VOG and they have nerfed powerful weapons that allow us to beat the VOG/Nightfall without having to resort to the cheese. If our exotic guns are so OP in Crucible why not simply ban them from Crucible matches or remove their perks while in the Crucible? Bungie is beginning to remind me of a middle school dungeon master who gets angry when his players figure out ways to easily overcome his scenarios. I feel like Bungie is taking an adversarial role against the player base. When this game was hyped we were told it would be a sandbox with each encounter having multiple ways to solve. Yet much like the novice DM who creates encounters without thinking things through Bungie is changing the rules in the middle of the game. One of the unintended consequences is that it creates an even worse power gap between the early and late players. For example, I created a Warlock and abused the loot cave. Because of this I have about 200 bits of Warlock armor materials. After the loot cave was patched I created a Titan... I have several pieces of Titan armor that could be upgraded by I have no Titan armor materials. Green and blue titan armor never drops for me. The majority of my armor is ready to be upgraded and the only sure way I have to get the materials is to buy green armor from the vanguard and scrap it. What does that tell me? It tells me that other players who picked up the game late are probably in a similar predicament. Bungie, check your data. Is the problem with the weapons themselves or is it a case of early adopters having had access to things you later removed? Another obvious change was removing ascendant materials from Queen gear. How many early players stocked up on those materials before it was patched? Simple changes can have huge impacts in a game.

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          • QQ Just pew pew Go play Tetris

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            • They don't care... They've made their money off of us

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              • Emergent game play is dead.

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              • Edited by GalaxySpider: 10/15/2014 11:15:31 PM
                While your solutions are great, you have to admit that these changes would require a lot of A.I. changes to the enemy scripts during this fight, nortto mention hours and hours of playtesting. I guess, from a devs view, this was the easiest solution. Personally I don't have a problem with that fix. Today me and my group completed the Raid and we did it, like always, the normal way, jumping down and kickin' A$$es.

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                • I hate this part of the hotfix with the burning passion of a thousand fusion grenades. It was lazy and showed a blatant disregard for verisimilitude. There are any number of ways to nerf the so-called "exploit" without actively challenging our willing suspension of disbelief. Lower the perch. Remove cover from the perch. Spawn hobgoblins with their counter-sniper script. Spawn goblins with their counter-sniper grenade use script. Instead, you've marked a strategically-important piece of terrain as off limits for us. But our enemies can still use it. That is absolute bull[censored].

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                  • This. This is Bungie's logic: "here is this big open world game, but here is exactly how we want you to play it. Yes you can fly and triple jump to higher ledges and vantage points, but we don't want you to do that anymore."

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                    • Agreed

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                    • personally I'd just have had a lot of Praetorian spawn on platforms players are on. An enraged Praetorian is a good inventive to leave. Quickly.

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                      • OP that would take thoughtful and meaningful investment in fun or Bungie's part. It is absolutely clear that quick appeasement is the only thing here. If Bungie wants real feedback they could set up a forum and the hottest trending ideas could be implemented. Not gonna happen. This myopic game design crew got their best ideas from blizzard. The rest of it is scan and wait corridors and arenas. Lame. For every moment of joy in the game you get two or three head scratching bits.

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                      • Edited by Ultron: 10/15/2014 9:34:46 PM
                        [b]Hey DeeJ, no one want to spend 1+ hour retrying some stupid part of the Raid for a shit reward![/b]

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                      • My only issue with this is claiming a game is "open world"... stating something along the lines of being able to go wherever we can see... then setting up kill barriers to prevent us from doing so.

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                        8 Replies
                        • No one can tell for one minute those sniper perches weren't designed to be there and be used as such.

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                        • Amazing

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                        • Have not done the raid so it does not matter. Bungie has designed the game for teams only I play solo most of the time so the raid does me no good I guess when they allow multiplayer matching in raids will it be worth playing

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                        • Bump. I enjoyed being able to use different strategies to beat the boss. While I only used this way once and didn't like it very much because it took too long, I liked that the option was there. I could run the raid the way [b]I[/b] wanted, not the way Bungie forces me to. That's how it should be. We should be able to use different strategies and tactics, not just "Let's stand on side A instead of side B." Now the raid is less fun and far more tedious and boring. It feels like every other linear shooter out there. They told us that we could play how we wanted, and that exploration would be rewarding and fun, they just failed to mention that the reward would be a patch to prevent it.

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                        • Cuz related lol

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                        • Bump x 9001

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                          • These are good ideas but not cheesing a very hard fight just for shaders? It seems nor worthed. Also its still cheesing!

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